Quizzes & Puzzles58 mins ago
Will This Precipitate A Scottish Exodus?
38 Answers
http:// www.bbc .co.uk/ news/uk -scotla nd-scot land-po litics- 4233914 6
you know how they like to save a muckle north of the birdah!
you know how they like to save a muckle north of the birdah!
From the report "But the most significant measure will be an increase in income tax, which comes after Ms Sturgeon suggested it was time for higher earners to pay a "modest" amount more." I really really can't stand this thought process. Higher earners already pay more. Even if there wasn't a 40% rate for higher earners, they would be paying more by dint of the...
13:19 Thu 14th Dec 2017
Higher earners may well already pay more but clearly it is thought not enough more. They don't necessarily earn more, they have managed to get a position where they are paid more (possibly by those who managed to do the same and who wish to stick together supporting each other). Most of the pay is not used to live at a reasonable level, but is additional income for luxuries. It's a tax on successfully getting into a position where one can attract more of a nation's wealth to oneself for one's efforts than is deserved compared to the effort and reward ratio of one's fellow citizens. So paying more back to society is a reasonable request.
Perhaps they will use the "extra" dosh to buy McPlod some kit?
https:/ /www.ms n.com/e n-gb/ne ws/ukne ws/extr a-500-s cottish -office rs-to-g et-tase rs-afte r-rise- in-assa ults-on -police /ar-BBG JCLo?li =BBoPRm x
I love Scotland, anne - I love the people and the place.
I also feel that it's entirely a matter for Scots as to whether they aspire to Independence or not.
I have no particular view on it, other than that (if it happens) it needs a proper re-evaluation of the fiscal balance between Scotland and the rest of the UK.
What I cannot abide are their two-bit, devious, ridiculous Politicians (of all parties, pro and anti) who don't accept that they are currently being subsidised by England (London actually), that the oil money is a busted flush and that they have a very hard row to hoe whether they go it alone or remain in a devolved state.
I also feel that it's entirely a matter for Scots as to whether they aspire to Independence or not.
I have no particular view on it, other than that (if it happens) it needs a proper re-evaluation of the fiscal balance between Scotland and the rest of the UK.
What I cannot abide are their two-bit, devious, ridiculous Politicians (of all parties, pro and anti) who don't accept that they are currently being subsidised by England (London actually), that the oil money is a busted flush and that they have a very hard row to hoe whether they go it alone or remain in a devolved state.
the problem is Saint Tony and the psuedo Tories with their ridiculous devolution. Now you have talent-less nobodies affecting the lives of the public with their silly ideologies. Yes this is about shafting the "rich"! as she herself said, This will make people worse off, this will cut the tax take but Queen Nicola can walk around beaming like a Cheshire cat like some latter day Robin McKrankie Hood
//The SNP and their lapdogs ,the Greens,have lost little time in exercising their devolved tax raising powers ,discriminating against the middle and higher earners in the country .They introduced LBTT which levied an obscene level of tax on higher end properties ,resulting in a much lower tax take as the market disintegrated because folk refused to be screwed.They retained the higher rate threshold whilst the rUK increased it with inflation.They jacked up E-H council tax by about 20% in 2017/18 .Now,they have added a penny in the pound to income tax .This has cost the better off serious cash ....£thousands/year .
Meanwhile,on the cost side of the equation,they continue to squander cash likes kids in a sweetie shop .....free Uni education for all of Europe (except England and Wales) : free prescriptions: pay rises for the public services (whilst maintaining DB pensions) and miscellaneous other waste such as the Named persons farce:Prestwick black hole: baby boxes etc .
One cannot help but conclude that the Scottish government has it in for the “middle class” and the 1p increase is just the thin end of the wedge with more to come .......those that think that this latest assault upon the aspirational citizens of this country is OK because it is relatively minor are deluding themselves ,the SNP (and the other nutters in Holyrood such as Labour and Greens) are intent upon screwing us and it is getting to the stage where many of us will see it as worthwhile to move on thus depriving Scotland of much needed income .
A shame,since Scotland is my home but is time to move on to a fairer society where the politics of envy and economic insanity is not dominant.//
I liked that comment from a Scottish resident in todays Times on line. I will post a link but it may not open if you are not subscribed.
https:/ /www.th etimes. co.uk/e dition/ scotlan d/scott ish-bud get-201 7-warni ng-on-e conomy- as-snp- unveils -tax-ch anges-k lz6tqnt 2
Meanwhile,on the cost side of the equation,they continue to squander cash likes kids in a sweetie shop .....free Uni education for all of Europe (except England and Wales) : free prescriptions: pay rises for the public services (whilst maintaining DB pensions) and miscellaneous other waste such as the Named persons farce:Prestwick black hole: baby boxes etc .
One cannot help but conclude that the Scottish government has it in for the “middle class” and the 1p increase is just the thin end of the wedge with more to come .......those that think that this latest assault upon the aspirational citizens of this country is OK because it is relatively minor are deluding themselves ,the SNP (and the other nutters in Holyrood such as Labour and Greens) are intent upon screwing us and it is getting to the stage where many of us will see it as worthwhile to move on thus depriving Scotland of much needed income .
A shame,since Scotland is my home but is time to move on to a fairer society where the politics of envy and economic insanity is not dominant.//
I liked that comment from a Scottish resident in todays Times on line. I will post a link but it may not open if you are not subscribed.
OG at 19.02.
If everybody was of your mind set there wouldn't be any aspiration to do well.
Contrary to your absurd observation, those that have done well in their careers have for the most part deserved their success - so they definitely have earned their money.
Still, can't say I'm surprised, as I seem to recall you supported the buffoonerish idea that there should be a pay cap on high earners. This would, of course, ensure that our most talented, and therefore most rewarded, would seek employment away from these shores. Result - less personal tax revenue, less talented, less bbusiness revenue and therefore less business tax ext...
Don't think you've thought it through!
If everybody was of your mind set there wouldn't be any aspiration to do well.
Contrary to your absurd observation, those that have done well in their careers have for the most part deserved their success - so they definitely have earned their money.
Still, can't say I'm surprised, as I seem to recall you supported the buffoonerish idea that there should be a pay cap on high earners. This would, of course, ensure that our most talented, and therefore most rewarded, would seek employment away from these shores. Result - less personal tax revenue, less talented, less bbusiness revenue and therefore less business tax ext...
Don't think you've thought it through!
On the contrary it is you who seem to need to consider it further. Concluding it would stifle aspiration is something you have no evidence for, because it is untrue. Calling things absurd and buffoonerish to avoid the fact you have no answers is unworthy of a poster here.
This claim all would leave is often repeated, but with no evidence it is simply a mantra. Most who threaten to leave if something occurs are seen to reconsider after the event. Some might leave and then find it difficult to succeed elsewhere where talent already exists and are established. Plus there is plenty of talent here to take their place. Leavers are therefore unlikely to be missed.
You probably should consider your viewpoint before posting in haste.
This claim all would leave is often repeated, but with no evidence it is simply a mantra. Most who threaten to leave if something occurs are seen to reconsider after the event. Some might leave and then find it difficult to succeed elsewhere where talent already exists and are established. Plus there is plenty of talent here to take their place. Leavers are therefore unlikely to be missed.
You probably should consider your viewpoint before posting in haste.
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