“shame for the workers as always.” Indeed. However many workers in shops care not whether their customers live or die. To survive High Street shops must provide something that internet sellers do not. Among those things is a bit of friendly, polite and efficient customer service. I have been in shops where, so busy were the staff chatting to their...
No NJ there WERE plenty of tills open in M & S in my town and plenty of shoppers to use them. I will NEVER shop online and continue to use town for as long as I am able and I know a lot of folk who feel the same way ..
so do i but i am somewhat limited in what my legs will let me do, i do go out and pick up the odd thing, but ordering on line saves me a lot of pain.
I too have a problem with one of my legs, but walking is the best thing for it so I plod on doing my shopping in town. I don't live far from town either which is handy ..