Quizzes & Puzzles29 mins ago
This speaks to previous threads where I have commented on the simple fact that alcohol is so woven into British culture, that to start to take serious steps to curb its abuse is political suicide, which is why successive governments tiptoe around the edges of serious action. I am in favour of the drunk tank, with a £200 for first use, escalating with each...
17:29 Fri 29th Dec 2017
There are many populations that like a drink as much as the English. But we seem to go on to be abusive and a nuisance.
When young English men and women go abroad they hit the cheap booze and embarrass us all. You do not see the Irish or French doing that.
The same with football, English fans are the worst in the world, and the Irish the best, all down to our inability to drink responsibly.
When young English men and women go abroad they hit the cheap booze and embarrass us all. You do not see the Irish or French doing that.
The same with football, English fans are the worst in the world, and the Irish the best, all down to our inability to drink responsibly.
Frankly I couldn't give a toss about anybody who gets so drunk that they can no longer stand or vomit over everyone. Why is it only a good night out if you are totally incapable ?? Disgusting that these people have to be looked after by the already over stretched NHS when it is all self induced.
And, the police do still arrest for drunk and disorderly !
And, the police do still arrest for drunk and disorderly !
Britain's not high in the list of alcohol consumers
https:/ /www.wo rldatla s.com/a rticles /who-dr inks-th e-most- alcohol -consum ption-b y-count ry.html
But in the list of those who stagger down the street chanting "Brexit! Brexit! Brexit! Oi Oi Oi!" it may be different :-)
But in the list of those who stagger down the street chanting "Brexit! Brexit! Brexit! Oi Oi Oi!" it may be different :-)
This speaks to previous threads where I have commented on the simple fact that alcohol is so woven into British culture, that to start to take serious steps to curb its abuse is political suicide, which is why successive governments tiptoe around the edges of serious action.
I am in favour of the drunk tank, with a £200 for first use, escalating with each subsequent visit.
If you can afford to give yourself alcohol poisoning, then you can afford the treatment to keep you safe.
We really need to educate people that giving themselves brain damage with chemical stimulants is not the pinnacle of a great night out.
I am in favour of the drunk tank, with a £200 for first use, escalating with each subsequent visit.
If you can afford to give yourself alcohol poisoning, then you can afford the treatment to keep you safe.
We really need to educate people that giving themselves brain damage with chemical stimulants is not the pinnacle of a great night out.
Talbot - // Why is it a daft comment? //
Because it makes the assumption that most posters know nothing of what they say because they don't drink alcohol, and they don't go out - which I am sure is miles wide of the mark.
As I have argued previously and probably will again, you don't need direct experience of a subject to have an opinion, and offer it in debate - and absence of direct experience does not lessen the value of a point of view.
Because it makes the assumption that most posters know nothing of what they say because they don't drink alcohol, and they don't go out - which I am sure is miles wide of the mark.
As I have argued previously and probably will again, you don't need direct experience of a subject to have an opinion, and offer it in debate - and absence of direct experience does not lessen the value of a point of view.