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More Death By Social Services?

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ToraToraTora | 15:26 Fri 05th Jan 2018 | News
49 Answers
usual excuses from the right on brigade. Once again a minor is murdered by a savage unprotected by our useless agencies.


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The sad thing about social media is that people (like ToraToraTora) who probably have no experience of a subject can spout off about it from the comfort of their armchair.

Saying social workers are "brainless buffoons" is just a stupid thing to say.

My wife is not a social worker but works for a charity that has to visit the homes of people with disabled children or children with social issues.

Often social workers join her with these visits and she often reports back to me that these people are swamped with work and find it very hard to get round and visit all the people they are supposed to visit.

You also have to realise that "problem" families will often not welcome visitors from "the authorities" (for all sorts of reasons) so even getting in to their house and talking to them (or their children) is difficult.

Also in the same way a person who is going to be a terrorist does not have "terrorist" printed on their forehead, nor does a person who is going to harm or kill their child have that printed on their forehead.

Some of the stories I hear from my wife about some of these problem families would make your hair stand on end. They are not easy to deal with, not welcoming to visitors or to those "poking their nose into our business".

All social workers have degrees and therefore some sort of intelligence.

Sadly many of them leave the job before they get much experience as the job is so awful, and unrewarding, and sometimes dangerous (with some families my wife wont visit without a police person with her).

So before spouting off about being buffoons maybe you should try to do the job for a few months and then you will see how hard it is.

Or is it easier to hide behind your computer and critisize people without having any experience of what they have to go through.
Very good post Guilbert
Guilbert has it.

God Bless Jeremiah.
It is a good post, from someone who knows what they are talking about, unlike ttt.
Sadly I think that if God was remotely interested in the wee tot there would have been some sort of intervention from on high before the violence started.

Mysterious ways, give me strength.
Hind sight does give those with absolutely no involvement in situations 20/20 vision - as usual. Of course that excellent hindsight also forces people to spout off at length about those people actually involved. Very sad.
My 'God Bless' was a sympathetic couple of words to the poor dead boy Douglas - not an attempt to summon up a higher power.

But thank you for mentioning it.
well done Guildbert - some sense at last
I got a bit involved with the girl being slapped around opposite - the dog shot out of the house and hid behind my legs (!)

so I asked if she wanted the Police - and the upshot is .....

she is back with abusive boyfriend - as predicted by absolutely everyone I spoke to.
I have had a lot of experience with the SS.

And I am with TTT. One even arrived in the standard uniform of Corduroy complete with elbow patches and driving a morris minor!

Like any organisation ones experience probably depends on the local branch of it.

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