If this dreadful creep is to be let out of jail, then let him be supervised by every means available, as I fear that a leopard is hardly able, or willing to change his spots.
AOG....even as late as last year, Warboys was refused a place at a more open prison. And yet, the Parole Board now think its OK to release him under licence.
I hope I am wrong about this but IMHO its only a matter of time before he strikes again.
I saw on the news last week, that indeed, his application to move to an open prison a year ago had been turned down. So what is it that's happened in the past 12 months that has convinced the parole board that whilst he was not fit to be moved to an open prison a year ago, it's fine for him to be out (on licence I assume) now?
The Justice Secretary said that Warboys won't be released until his licence conditions have been finalised. So what could they be I wonder in the light of the decision that he should not be moved to an open prison?
If he ever commits another crime, the parole board should be made personally responsible. That might focus their thoughts on what risks are acceptable and who to.
As he has a home not far from me and I have 3 daughters I do have a vested interest in that I certainly dont want him released until it can be pretty much guaranteed he is safe. Given he was refused open prison last year I really dont see how this can be the case.
//if that is the case, then the CPS should be actively looking at the salient facts, and preparing charges//
It was reported earlier that the CPS had been asked about this and said that they were not considering any further charges.