As an outsider this has been an amusing period – watching all the knickers knotting, the bottom lips dragging, and the gaskets blowing on a regular basis. Never in recent history has a man been so reviled and so lambasted – whether justified or not - because where Mr Trump is concerned justification isn’t a consideration; neither is the honesty of the only too willing ‘lambasters’. No facet of his life is left untouched and unsullied, and never a word leaves his lips that isn’t twisted in whichever way it can be twisted. I swear his opponents are in competition to see which of them is the most spiteful and the most vitriolic – and I’m still waiting to see all those smoking guns that for over a year we’ve been assured will surface imminently.
Personally, whether or not he is re-elected matters not to me – I fully expected someone to have taken a pot shot at him within the first month or so – but if he is re-elected, then so be it. The one thing in his favour, as far as I’m concerned, is that he cares about his country – and that’s not a bad thing.
Incidentally, hereIam and I, as founder members of the Trumpettes, are applying to appear on Britain’s Got Talent. Rehearsing as we speak! Come on hereIam!