Society & Culture13 mins ago
Italian Election Results
causes panic in Germany. Latest predictions look like a massive anti EU vote and the German MEP Hans-Olaf Henkel, advising that Germany must get out of the Euro now! Is this indeed further evidence that the whole "project" is unravelling?
https:/ /www.ex press.c ws/worl d/92728 8/Itali an-elec tion-re sults-2 018-liv e-lates t-news- Italy-G ermany- euro-pr ice-Fiv e-Star- Movemen t
I saw on the news last week that the EU members (less UK) were having a meeting to plan their future EU budget, and how they were going to cope without the 15 billion we pay them each year. The report said that no countries who "pay in" want to pay more money, but the countries who "take out" the pot did not want to take out less. Maybe at last the EU is realising how...
14:56 Mon 05th Mar 2018
In its current format it was always doomed.
There are only two ways the EU project would work.
1) All countries throw into the pot and become one, effectively each country becomes a State. There should be one rule of law, one set of education standards, one currency and one true economy.
2) The second is for Germany to annex it neighbours and rule them.
There are only two ways the EU project would work.
1) All countries throw into the pot and become one, effectively each country becomes a State. There should be one rule of law, one set of education standards, one currency and one true economy.
2) The second is for Germany to annex it neighbours and rule them.
//Italian voters have flocked to anti-establishment, Eurosceptic parties and rejected mainstream, traditional political parties, the latest predictions from the country’s election indicated on Monday.//
// “After the Greek referendum, after Brexit, this Italian No adds a new people to the list of those who would like to turn their backs on absurd European policies which are plunging the continent into poverty.”//
// “After the Greek referendum, after Brexit, this Italian No adds a new people to the list of those who would like to turn their backs on absurd European policies which are plunging the continent into poverty.”//
I saw on the news last week that the EU members (less UK) were having a meeting to plan their future EU budget, and how they were going to cope without the 15 billion we pay them each year.
The report said that no countries who "pay in" want to pay more money, but the countries who "take out" the pot did not want to take out less.
Maybe at last the EU is realising how important financially we were, and that mainly us and Germany kept the EU going.
Without us it is mainly Germany who prop it up, so hopefully the German people will soon get fed up with that as well.
I have said for years the whole EU thing will implode some time in the future.
The report said that no countries who "pay in" want to pay more money, but the countries who "take out" the pot did not want to take out less.
Maybe at last the EU is realising how important financially we were, and that mainly us and Germany kept the EU going.
Without us it is mainly Germany who prop it up, so hopefully the German people will soon get fed up with that as well.
I have said for years the whole EU thing will implode some time in the future.
The BBC thought that the Oscars was more important, but I managed to find this.
http:// news/wo rld-eur ope-432 72700
Seems the Italians are fed up with the Immigrants, can't say I blame them.
Seems the Italians are fed up with the Immigrants, can't say I blame them.
>>>Seems the Italians are fed up with the Immigrants,
Becoming a common problem across Europe.
The Muslim terrorists here (the ones who HAVE committed an attack), as well as the ones tried and imprisoned before doing an attack, are raising the anger of many people across Europe.
This is giving rise to "far right" groups who are trying to revenge these Muslim attacks (the retiring police chief last week said there had been a large rise in "far right" groups).
We even had that rather sad and pathetic individual last week who deliberately drove his car at a Somali woman and drove over her. He then turned his car round and drove over her a second time.
He was somewhat of a low life (unemployed and drunk at the time - so he had enough money for a car AND drink) however it is a symbol of how many people are getting angry at what is happening to the UK and Europe.
Our "soft" politicians (all over Europe) have set up a dangerous situation that could boil over in the next few years and I can see a "civil war" starting in Europe in the future between the "whites" (to give it a loose term) and the immigrants (another loose term).
Such a shame because Europe used to be such a lovely place to live.
Becoming a common problem across Europe.
The Muslim terrorists here (the ones who HAVE committed an attack), as well as the ones tried and imprisoned before doing an attack, are raising the anger of many people across Europe.
This is giving rise to "far right" groups who are trying to revenge these Muslim attacks (the retiring police chief last week said there had been a large rise in "far right" groups).
We even had that rather sad and pathetic individual last week who deliberately drove his car at a Somali woman and drove over her. He then turned his car round and drove over her a second time.
He was somewhat of a low life (unemployed and drunk at the time - so he had enough money for a car AND drink) however it is a symbol of how many people are getting angry at what is happening to the UK and Europe.
Our "soft" politicians (all over Europe) have set up a dangerous situation that could boil over in the next few years and I can see a "civil war" starting in Europe in the future between the "whites" (to give it a loose term) and the immigrants (another loose term).
Such a shame because Europe used to be such a lovely place to live.
It will take a bit more yet to make the EU disappear up it own petard.
It is tenacious and all invading so will be difficult to end. It's death throws will be felt far and wide. The sad thing about it will be that it would have been far better to reform and reassess its objectives that crash and burn because it will take down many EU countries with it.
It will take a while but I see it happening eventually.
It is tenacious and all invading so will be difficult to end. It's death throws will be felt far and wide. The sad thing about it will be that it would have been far better to reform and reassess its objectives that crash and burn because it will take down many EU countries with it.
It will take a while but I see it happening eventually.
I also really hope so. After holiday in Italy this Summer I am not surprised. I don't speak much Italian, but found French speakers very vocal about immigrants and witnessed a (looked Somali) man trying to snatch a phone outside the Uffizi.
Hopefully this will stiffen Mrs. May's sinews, summon up the blood etc..
Hopefully this will stiffen Mrs. May's sinews, summon up the blood etc..
They haven't even formed a coalition yet, but are already threatening to withhold funds payable to the EU. This is in protest at The Czech Republic, along with Poland and Hungary refusing to take in illegal immigrants but still receiving EU bribes. There may be trouble ahead. I would think that Holland will be the next Country to wake up. There has also been a huge surge in anti EU policies there too.
https:/ /www.ex press.c ws/worl d/92747 1/Itali an-elec tion-re sults-2 018-Ita ly-EU-E uropean -Union- MS5-Lui gi-DI-M aio
https:/ /www.ex press.c ws/uk/9 27407/I talian- electio n-resul ts-Di-M aio-MS5 -Matteo -Salvin i-forum -voor-d emocrat ie
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