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Facebook Bans ‘Britain First’ And Its Leaders

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Gromit | 14:45 Wed 14th Mar 2018 | News
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Garaman // Britain First appear to loathe and detest their ilk, where 'their ilk' means other Muslims whether or not they have carried out terrible acts.//
I can't speak for Britain First but the 'ilk' that I 'loathe and detest' are Pakistani grooming gangs - as in the Telford cohort, who just happen to be Muslims all, - funny that?
So it's not Muslims per se, but all grooming gangs happen to be from a Muslim background. Try googling 'White British grooming gangs' and nothing comes up - funny that too.
I agree with you, Khandro.
No problem with the ban so long as the same courtesy is extended to left wing and religious groups acting in the same way.
Khandro, garaman, youngmaf: absolutely agree. What we need is a well disciplined force of young British-born males, maybe wearing a striking brown uniform, to patrol our streets and rid them of the foreign filth infesting our proud country.

And if they don’t like it? We’ll put them in camps, all concentrated in one place, and then deal with them.

One people! One country! One rule!

(Or is that going a bit far?)
BB //What we need is a well disciplined force of young British-born males, //

Yes indeed, and we used to have it, brown(ish) shirts and all, it was called National Service, bring it back for all young men of whatever ethnic group they happen to belong to, it'll put some fibre into them all, and they will know which country they are living in.

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