a police officer interviewed on radio said it was intimidation of a witness and should not be allowed..local plod a bit scared of the travellers ?? scandalous....
The only people being disrespectful are Vincent's family etc who put them up there in the first place. This man took a screwdriver to an old man. He wanted to rob him and it's not the first time he's done such a crime, nor members of his family. Equally disrespectful was whoever had the comment put in the papers about him having a heart of gold the other day. Clearly a lie.
And if they really wanted their special messages from his children to mean something rather than point scoring they'd have put them up somewhere else.
It was designed to be intimidating by these so called Travelers, personally I would use a better description probably along the lines JD is thinking of.
It's about time society woke up to these people and stopped pampering them. They are not special and in general are at best a nuisance often criminals running free.
"local plod a bit scared of the travellers ?? scandalous...."
I doubt it is the boots on the ground copper more the right-on seniors scared of being called a waysist by their liberal mates.
Maybe the problem wouldn't arise if it were illegal to set up shrine like areas in undesignated public places willy-nilly. Unsure how it started occurring, but doesn't seem appropriate in any case, anyway.
''Very threatening. The travelling community are/can be dangerous. Many of them won't see it other than the pensioner killed one of their own.''
ummmm 11:47 Tue 10th Apr 2018
Totally agree with you ummmm. IMO They will make it impossible for this man and his wife to go back to their home, where I expect the couple hoped to live for the rest of their days. Horrific that some scroats have now made their lives misery, the burglars family I'm sure will want revenge!
I don't know why it said he is "understood" to be from the travelling community. He IS from the travelling community. I know the area where his clan lives very well. It is an area where illegal encampments became rife many years ago and finally the London Borough of Bromley was forced to build a permanent settlement. The only mysterious thing is that - in common with many other so-called travellers - few of the occupants do much travelling.
Its always puzzling that groups that crave and demand "respect" for themselves and their habits usually have absolutely no respect for others. I would never celebrate the death of anybody - especially someone who has children to bring up. But I'm afraid the culture of the "travelling" community endears them to nobody. This particular episode of constructing a "shrine" opposite the victim's house is for no reason other than intimidation - travellers' stock-in-trade.
Mr Vincent lived by the screwdriver and it seems he died by it. His family should accept that his death was an unfortunate side effect of his chosen profession. No doubt if Mr Osborn-Brooks had been the victim of Mr Vincent's screwdriver they would have said the same of him - neglecting, of course, that Mr O-B did not choose to initiate the confrontation by unlawful activities.
All my sympathy, pity and sorrow is for the elderly man who rightly defended his property and his sick wife against this thug who had the audacity to break into his home. However we look at it, this elderly gentleman's life is in tatters, he did not want to kill anyone, he was just trying to live his life and now in the twilight of his years when he should be enjoying what's left, he has this fear and intimidation hanging over him through no fault of his own. Bloody awful !
No, not threatening, I'm amazed that some people want to back low life burglar scum but I suppose that's a human feature of being able to back the indefensible if they are "family" etc.