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gulliver1 | 15:17 Sun 15th Apr 2018 | News
55 Answers
More than half of the of the UK now want a people vote on Brexit, says a new survey, OH MY GAWD!
Bring it on!.


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GAWD is God (American).
// Zac master is under the impression Brexiters are thick, stupid, uneducated, ill informed and way below his intellect‘ //

er - - - he's right isnt he ? or have I missed something ?
remarkably percipient analysis
oh "and shouldnt have been given the vote in the first place." yeah
//When the second referendum takes place. and of course the vote will be remain,what will happen to Boris's Bus. and the £ 350 million he promised for the NHS//

In which case the phantom £350 squillion will cease to exist , even in the most scrambled imagination.

The house shows signs of habitation ......but all the furniture is in the wrong rooms.
Not much maturity shown by some abers who can't use a fellow abers proper username :-(
It's a play on words and reflects some ABers opinion.
"The house shows signs of habitation ......but all the furniture is in the wrong rooms."

What furniture?
//...when the Tories lose so heavily at local elections on May 3rd\\

Where do you get that from? Last poll I read the Tories were 1% ahead of Labour.
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52% of the UK are now calling for a second referendum, and a lot of the original
people who voted out are changing their thoughts about leaving, and wanting to remain .
...and the band played, "Believe It If You Like".
52% of the UK are now calling for a second referendum,

I'm not one of the 52%, no one asked me !

Not that I'd change my mind anyway.
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Think the Government will have to have a good look at the figures now calling for a second referendum, and seriously think about it.

Gulliver, what figures are you referring to? The only figure I've seen mentioned is the 1,200 at the Sir Patrick Stewart rally.
Whatever proportion want a vote, any of them are entitled to set up poll somewhere which reasonable folk can ignore.

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