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Wild West Britain, Here's A Real Hard Man........

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ToraToraTora | 14:36 Fri 08th Jun 2018 | News
36 Answers
beat up a 90 year old woman in her bed, he must be tasty. Hope the right on brigade are proud of what they have done to our country.


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Pity the poster of this thread can't award himself the best answer, well put TTT at 11.06
11:39 Sat 09th Jun 2018
They will be along shortly to tell you there is nothing wrong - all part and parcel.
Dear God, what sort of MONSTER does such a thing!! At 90 she may not recover. How awful to live to that age and end up being attacked in your own bed by filth like that. God bless her.
Absolute savage.
If the rope doesn't deter them at least it will get rid of them.
These threads are the AB version of Groundhog Day.

At least ranting serves a purpose for some.
I'd be astonished if you get anyone defending these despicable cowards.
I'm astonished that anyone would consider condemnation of these despicable thugs as 'ranting'.
//Hope the right on brigade are proud of what they have done to our country.//

Who are the right-on brigade? And what have they done to lead a savage to beat up a defenceless woman?
Do you really believe that those who have different political views to yours would defend this?
I still wonder who the 'right on' brigade are.
The words I would like to write about these scum are unprintable.
A nasty crime is committed.
A driverless car crashes.

Is this news?

Stuff happens every day. There are 65 million people milling about on these islands, so things will hapoen.
// A nasty crime is committed.

Is this news?//

Sort of depends, I suppose.
Touché Spice.
Oh dear. :o)
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who are the right on brigade? They are the ones that have taken every form of discilpilne, control and punishment away so that the worst features of human behaviour can flourish. People who think that beating a 90 year old woman in her bed is not worthy of news, people who think highlighting it is a rant. The same people that have turned our schools into a disruptive paradise for the savage scum offspring of the savage scum they created, where teachers must suffer daily abuse and were children are turned out to begin the cycle again.
Good answer TTT.

/// At least ranting serves a purpose for some. ///

If enough people rant perhaps something may get done, it is people like you who choose to ignore what is taking place around them, that has brought this country down to the standard it now is.
And guardsmen wearing turbans! Let’s not forget them (him).

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