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Anti Brexit Parade

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fender62 | 12:14 Sat 23rd Jun 2018 | News
76 Answers
the parade in london against brexit, are these people anti britain and not like sovereignty, prefer to ruled over by non elected entities, or better still be ruled by germany and her pet france, with unfettered illegal migrants given a welcome and a ferry service to europe.


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Are your toes hurting again fraser?
now that the people who voted out the last time have realised the mistake they made , and have come to grips with it, and vote this time to stay.

Don't count me amongst them, gulliver.
The pro Brexit counter demo was 600 counter demonstrators with a large proportion of them EDL and Britain First. I don’t Vadim those people are representative of Brexiters so maybe just as well it got little coverage
I don’t imagine lol
Not to stop Brexit, my foot ! No one's fooled by that, stopping Brexit is obviously the intent. Hoping to have a second bite of the cherry (like the EU tries when it doesn't get the result it wants) and relying on project fear propaganda swaying enough waverers to change the result.

Well that's not the way democracy works. One doesn't vote again and again only stopping when a desired result is reached. One makes a bold decidion to do what's right then refuses to flip-flop but pushes ahead to fo the right thing in the best way possible; in this case getting a fair deal from the EU despite the attempts of the dissidents to make it impossible, or failing that just leaving and letting all deal with the result caused.
"now that the people who voted out the last time have realised the mistake they made , and have come to grips with it, and vote this time to stay.

Don't count me amongst them, gulliver."

Nor me. I knew exactly what I was doing.

The Brexiteers did not need to demonstrate. They have nothing to demonstrate against.
I voted out, and would do so again. So would most of the people I know.
Or a certain Maggie Thatcher.
For jackdaw23.
Same for all sorts of other manufacturing industries that were not adequately supported.

She ( Thatcher ) devastated my area, Black country industry and it will never recover.
I went to the trouble and expense of taking a taxi to the polling station as I have limited mobility and was determined to vote Leave. I have never regretted it one little bit.
Surely you can get reimbursed for the Taxi fare, JD?.
00.57 " She {Thatcher} devastated my area Black Country Industry"' yes Tony,
She destroyed Britain's manufacturing industry, and her policies led to mass unemployment, the highest unemployment for years , she hated the working class.
And Mrs Thatcher (out of office for seventeen years and dead for five) has precisely what to do with Brexit?

There is a very loose connection and that is this: almost all the "working class" areas in England which where affected by her policies voted overwhelmingly to leave the EU.
And Thatcher [out of office for seventeen years and dead for five] has precisely what to do with Brexit. Good question NJ. Brexit will cause disruption ,
destroy Britains manufacturing industry, and cause unemployment , just like Thatcher did. further more with brexit we will lose most of our finance industry to the EU.
We'll have to wait and see, but I've a feeling that you may be wrong. However, if the price of keeping those things is to sacrifice the nation's sovereignty then, in the same way as Mrs Thatcher's plans involved some sacrifices, they may have to be made.

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