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Why Are The Liberals So Nasty When They Don't Get Their Own Way?

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ToraToraTora | 15:15 Sun 01st Jul 2018 | News
66 Answers
The US is doing well under the Trumpster yet the anti democracy brigade are getting increasingly nasty.


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I guess giving over the top ridiculous answers Kvalidir means yo uno longer have a reasonable argument. Unfortunately the Lefty liberals have a habit of doing this and not only in the US. They cannot bear to loose because in their eyes there is no alternative to their view. In the US it is a stupid thing to do. If they want to win the next POTUS they need to start...
16:03 Sun 01st Jul 2018
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sp, you demonstrate my point perfectly, losing the argument you resort to standard liberal behaviour. You utterly fail to counter and resort expletives.
Not exactly an oxymoron but to describe these people as 'liberals' is to give a whole new meaning to the word.

You began by saying that the U.S. was doing well under Trump. Surely you realise that in the first year of a presidency, the health of the nation has nothing to do with the present incumbent right?

By the way, do you think that the American Right are likewise getting a bit nasty? Y'know - like the ones who marched on Charlottesville? Like the ones who marched screaming their thoughts about Jews?

Or is it just Liberal America?

Do you think that the American President is trying to unite the country?

Or do you think that he's using Twitter-democracy to pit one faction against another?

I am being serious here...I think you're talking cobblers. I'm not trying to be nasty, but when someone talks balls, it's only right that you call them out on it. You've got this platonic love for Trump, practically going all onanist when he won the election which is cute and all...but surely you can see that he's...not completely right.
Here's my thought...never before have we lived during a time when people have been so against each other...people from the same country.

Think about the U.S. What we are seeing right now is a repeat of America during the Civil Rights / Vietnam era. America has never been so split. People who blame liberals for this, ignoring what the American Right / neo-cons, Briebart-hangers, American Family Foundation and A Million Moms are doing are looking at this with one eye shut.

They should not be trusted, if they insist that the hatred is coming from one side.
^^^Everything SP just said^^^ There is a lot of right wing / conservative hate and division going on, and questions like this are proof absolute of it.
TTT, YOU are a load of them,
Well one thing's for sure. Despite the heatwave it hasn't melted many snowflakes.
What's snowflakey about disagreeing with someone Jack and being prepared to argue the point? Surely that's un-snowflakey ( you won't find me running for a safe space), and tbh it's such a lame insult as well. 3/10 must try harder.
Boom...the use of the word 'snowflake' makes it totally justifiable to call right wingers bigots.

Both words have the same weight and currency.

In your mind - define a snowflake, as it relates to this thread.
I'm off to bed as soon as this thread is closed.
//By the way, do you think that the American Right are likewise getting a bit nasty?//

Yes. But.

You compare the actions of the "liberals" (I use the word in its American sense of lefits/progressive), and compare them with those of the Right.

And you you apply a sense of proportion to your assessment. Like you don't equate the mass demonstrations of Antifa and Black Lives Matter with some withered branch of the KKK. You ask "How many?" and "How few?".

Here's a simple test: how much does it cost in security if a conservative like Milo Yiannopoulos speaks at a univeristy (assuming he's allowed to speak in the first place)? And how much does it cost in security if a radical leftist speaks?

Answer that question truthfully, and then tell me who's the fascist.
...any minute now then judging by the rest of today's threads. Night Talbot x

You're kidding right?

What about what Dr. Bill Deagle threatened earlier this week?

Or what American anti-abortionists have done and continue to do across America?

Or the overthrow of Rose vs. Wade?

Or the ongoing protests about the Obergefell v. Hodges ruling?

And let's not forget the so-called birther movement. Blimey - they banged on for six years, because it so offended them that Barack Obama was elected.

You asked me to comment on how much it costs to protect Milo Yiannopoulos as opposed to a left-leaning speaker.

It's $40 to protect Milo and $1.5million to defend left leaning speakers against right wing thugs.

I made that up.

I don't know.

Nor do you.

It may be that Milo needs more protection. I think that might be right, because he's an odious turd, and young people tend to lean to the left...
I asked for an honest answer. And you've disappointed me, SP.
And here's another test. A very simple one. This time it's not about violence, but about civility and double standards.

Katie Hopkins does a photo-shoot holding aloft the severed "head" of Sadiq Khan.

Your personal[i reaction?

Your best guess of the reaction in the media? (I'll include social media like AB in that).

Your best guess about what the police might do in reaction to this lapse of taste? Anything? Nothing?

Look me in the eye. Answer [i]honestly].
‘Katie Hopkins does a photo-shoot holding aloft the severed "head" of Sadiq Khan’

Have you considered a few sessions with a shrink, vestry_enema?
Sorry. Flipping auto correct.
first bakers choose who they'll make wedding cakes for, then restaurants choose who they'll serve. The former seems to be legal, so I guess the latter is. Though it doesn't seem to be the same ABers who get upset about it all
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Was not attacked or abused in Lexington Virginia. She was politely asked to leave. The proprietor is completely in their rights to make such a request.

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