" the nightmare cost of trearment in the USA for example"
Yup, that is why you buy a policy. Although usually paid for by the company (I had medical and dental paid) the cost is far less than many pay in tax for the NHS.
Although the NHS has made advances, so have other countries Health companies.
Where the NHS is failing big time is:
Failure to reform from top down
Massive management
Massive and bloated admin
Beyond useless procurement
Treating people around the world
Treating our new visitors (in and out the EU) and extended families when they haven't paid in enough, if at all.
Funding non health treatments such as sex changes, bigger/smaller boobs, IVF etc etc.
And then on top of this we dont have enough to look after our elderly who have mostly paid in all their life.
It really is no longer the panacea for health it once was.