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Americans Advised To Keep A Low Profile During President Trump's Visit To Britain.

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anotheoldgit | 11:54 Wed 11th Jul 2018 | News
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Keep a low profile= meaning= we’ll be looking after all the politicians with the best protection money can buy but because of police budget cuts we won’t be looking after joe public.
Does the US embassy think this is an anti-US protest? Or that there wouldn’t be any Americans involved? Maybe not, but it seems curious to me. The best advice they could give is: behave peacefully
Ah, the crowning endorsement:

Ummmm: "Mamy's right. You are very unpleasant, AOG."

That's AOG added to my Christmas card list.
You keep that knitting going, Ummmm.
Otherwise heads will roll.
I find it completely bizarre why some people get upset over comments posted on an anonymous internet forum.
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If you just sit on the fence waiting for me to come along so as to type a snide remark, then you must expect some response from me.

You are Madam a very disruptive person, with your 'Butter wouldn't melt in your mouth' attitude.

As regards myself being a rude person, why only yesterday I hoped that all was well for you at the hospital.

So just remember this Madam, if you are rude to me expect some rudeness back.
Good grief. If the Trump demo is half as unpleasant as this thread then all police leave will need cancelling :-)
Let's keep on topic, please, less of the sniping.

I doubt Americans in the UK have anything to worry about. It's their president people are protesting, not the entire country.
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What has colour to do with it?
I thanked you for that, if you return to the thread.
"Yet each man kills the thing he loves,
By each let this be heard,
Some do it with a bitter look,
Some with a flattering word..."

You know the rest, innit.
I thanked you for that, if you return to the thread.
Perhaps everybody should keep a low-profile. You know, just in case some of all them bleedin' blimps come showerin' down:)
//I doubt Americans in the UK have anything to worry about. It's their president people are protesting, not the entire country//

Interesting comment from Pope Joan.

Country v office v man.

Got that bit.

Now then, country v office v man v official visit.

Got a rule book for this? What do Mamya's civility classes have to say?
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AB Editor

/// I doubt Americans in the UK have anything to worry about. It's their president people are protesting, not the entire
country. ///

Don't you think that if our leader was being insulted by another country's people, then those people could expect some response from us?
why? because a load of lefty moron snowflakes are going to protest? Perlease.
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