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Wicked Policeman

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bainbrig | 07:59 Wed 22nd Aug 2018 | News
136 Answers

Teenage girl simply asserting her rights to jump about, her entitlement to take a police officer’s taser from him, and what did the brute do? He slapped her!

String ‘em up, I say.


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Danny has now left the building.
11:37 Wed 22nd Aug 2018
Who'd be a policeman? Not I.
I would do more than "slap her", I would issue the police force with the sjambok which was used effectively in South Africa in the days of apartheid.
Nice to see a Chief Constable backing his officers.
What were they supposed to do?
Say "stop it please, you're a very naughty girl"

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savage little woc needs a slap, well done that man.
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ozzy, she didn't take his Taser
//l when she tried to grab his stun gun and radio//
A hard shove away would have been appropriate, a slap is not.
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To be fair the cop looked like a pensioner.

Crazed teenage girls must be a coppers nightmare... they just can't win.
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Was she a Slapper?.
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//Are we not all suppose to be treated as equals? Would that have happened to anyone and everyone? //

Anyone and everyone wouldn't have behaved as she did - and people who behave like that are not equal. They're a blight on society.
Usual inane posts from the usual suspects,
danny, it's yer rights, innit.
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Lock her up , and throw the key away.

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