We have stated what we want.
A fair trade deal, no demanding of exit fees,and a genuine exit where the EU doesn't dictate with rules/laws that take priority, including demanding free movement of people (I'd suggest finance too), an open border in Ireland, the right to strike our own deals everywhere in the world, plus continued involvement in things such as security data exchanges and mutually beneficial projects. Well for starters.
Meanwhile we see no evidence of the EU shifting from their "punishment" standpoint. And continual rejection of all. Only after May suggests an unacceptable option (which is also rejected) and the 'no deal' starts being the obvious end point they're aiming fir, do they come up with a "stay in the EU in all but name and we'll give you a concession re people movement" suggestion.
I know this is off the OP question but it is important we all realise that it is the EU being obstructive. The evidence presented makes it more than mere assumption.