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Sell All Your Shares In Californian Companies

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Spicerack | 20:47 Tue 02nd Oct 2018 | News
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Is it ok if one of the men claims to identify as a woman ?
21:29 Tue 02nd Oct 2018
BA for 21:04 ?
No OG best answer at 21.29
Actually, there have always been high powered women in Silicon Valley. My cousin's husband worked for a woman who headed the company that marketed the first ever combined defib/ecg pacemaker. Sorry that she didn't have big boobs though which would have marked her down on AB
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The idiot Democrats have already bankrupted what was the richest state in the US. Seems they've set their sights on private industry now.
Their latest wheeze, anybody body in the world who needs medical attention can go to California and be treated for free.
That'll be very popular with everyone (except local tax payers)
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That's another problem with wimmin. They don't listen.
I'm presuming that you are taking the *** and you are on a wind up. Good luck with that one -)
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I already said I don't care if every company in the world was run by women.
You come on with your, 'Actually, bleh, bleh, bleh.'
"I have plenty of help to run my businesses from beings with penises, difference being I'm :-

a. not scared of them "

is that supposed to impress anybody ?....the amount of time you seem to be on here rabbiting it doesnt sound like you have much of a business
^moot to the thread.

Kval, no one is scared of women, the point is, they shouldn’t be ‘forced’ into anywhere for legal reasons especially if they’re not qualified.

Maybe we study some anthropology and see what lead us to our current opinions of gender and stereotypes.
Oopss.. sorry, moot to the thread, and rude.*
I wouldn't worry about Kval too much Spath, I'm sure she has almost stopped noticing how many of her elders are keeping tabs on her AB input, hours wise and only too happy to tell her about it.

We used to call them 'Time and Motion' studies moons ago - always under t'feet.
According to the Urban Dictionary this is not the first time 'moot' and 'vagina' have collided.
You know Rim, the ONLY reason I'm on here so much ( aside form the lovely people I've met over the last six years here) is BECAUSE I sit in front of a computer all day running my businesses (plural) but thanks for the note keeping and concern, it's really touching (if a little creepy) lol. You might notice I've been missing for about 4 hours just now.
As Mamy said I'm fair bowled over by the sheer amount of people who keep tabs on me, you should form a flaming club. Do you have naught better to do?
// marketed the first ever combined defib/ecg pacemaker. Sorry that she didn't have big boobs//

yeah but no but - the flat chested bit must have been an advantage when they were beta testing the machines ( no need to worry about variable resistance/inductance)
hi Kval
tonight I bet you are gonna put your arms around one of your red neck husbands pals and say - - I never thought I was gonna say this but really you are quite normal ....

it has been a bit of a day even for the AB
Sadly I'm in England Pete (and at the risk of daring to mention him) he's in Redneckland ( he's not really Rednecky at all - but hey it irritates those who enjoy being irritated so I'd hate to burst their bubble and lower their blood pressure) but I have just chatted to him and yes even he seems normal compared to today :) x
This law insulting to women, plus there will always be the suspicion, even if entirely unfounded, that the women appointed to Californian company boards are there simply because of the law rather than merit.

Women aren't up to real jobs or real sports. They just think they are and make a lot of noise about it.

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