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Why Is There A Racist "professor" At One Of Our Universities?

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ToraToraTora | 15:09 Tue 09th Oct 2018 | News
53 Answers
No doubt the Usual suspects would be having a fit if there was one for white studies.


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He's written an article called 'Psychosis of whiteness'.
I wrote and had published, a feature on male adult film stars - it doesn't mean I am one!!!!
crap analogy.
Yep... Your a ology is not valid, andy.
You know what I meant even if my phone didn't
Anybody who watches loads of those films could write an article on them. ( I heard)
“No more psychology!” —Kafka (and Khandro).
Just looked up my Bumper Book Of Wars An' That and it confirms WWII as a conflict between many nations, creeds and political viewpoints including, but not exclusively about the Nazis.

They did add a warning from history though.
just another dianne abbotopotamous eg: racist, chip on shoulder, hates white success...
Can those calling the professor a racist explain why they believe that?
By what comes out of his mouth
Meanwhile no one appears to mind if a Conservative is subject to the left wing version of race relations. Read it and weep sp.

//Shaun Bailey, the man who will attempt to unseat Labour Mayor Sadiq Khan in the 2020 election, has been labelled a “lying coconut”, a “vile disgusting Uncle Tom” and a “token ethnic” by left-wingers on social media.//
TALBOT, what has he said?
Look, be honest, you don't care what he says.
// who is the head of white studies at this university? Just wondered.//

and so if there isnt one ( head of white studies) that makes the balck studies guy a racist ?

which crazy on AB is given to quipping - - - righto!

blimey clearly a normal day on AB
// Can those calling the professor a racist explain why they believe that?//

um no I think the game on AB is to make a statement (outrageous,silly,gormless or whatever) and invite people to refute it .....
It would appear that as soon as black people dare to stand on their own two feet and give up the role of "victim", they stop being of any use to the Socialists. A black conservative from a single mother family, that grew up on a council estate, is exactly the kind of oppressed disadvantaged minority victim group you should all be defending! Imagine the virtue signalling possibilities. They must fear him, so I support him. :))
TALBOT, you made a claim, I have asked you to tell me what he said but you've not done so.

I'll not bother asking again.
Question Author
TCL: "TTT, why is the professor a racist? " - he is the very definition of racism. Ask the Professor of white studies from any university, they'll explain it for you.
Corby, if you are in the mood for another headache try reading the thread posted before this one.

//How Dare This Person Compare The Late Great Winston Churchill To Jimmy Savile And Hitler.//

It may or may not shed some light.

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