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AH: “A little selective editing there I think - Maggie also said that she found his behaviour abhorrent, but you seem to have missed that bit in your cut-and-paste.” – yes but we were discussing whether that is an excuse and you said it was “absolutely not an excuse” . From the wording I’m saying it looks like it is intended to be one. I acknowledge the condemnation but I was trying to address your “absolutely not and excuse” point.
TCL: “Have you evidence he's a Muslim?” – he’s a Bangladeshi, 90% of them are muslims, I’ll take those odds.
AH: 17:00 “I think you are just being mischievous now No-one defended English footballers then, no-one is defending Bangladeshi teachers now.” – quite right no one defended them and no ones used that as an excuse, it seems though it’s ok for Muslim teachers to use it thus”.
AH: “Try reading what people have said, not what you would like them to ahve said so you can work yourself up into a self-righteous lather and post nonsense.” – You too, you even quote me above then make a statement based on what is not in the quote.