Khandro - // //It will be long - Fail.// But it's only the start of its execution //
But it's still not completed after the election two years ago, so its hardly the major project Trump promised if he was elected.
//It will be beautiful - Fail.// Better than Berlin's, but walls aren't really noted for beauty. //
Indeed they're not, but no-one would seriously suggest that any border wall is going to be anything approaching 'beautiful' - except Candidate Trump running off at the mouth, and spouting nonsense, as usual.
//Mexico will pay - Fail.// Mexico is already paying out of the new trade deal arrangements. //
That is America choosing to use received funds to build tiny sections of wall, which in no way equates with the promise that 'Mexico will pay for it … ' - and clearly, by any sensible analysis, they are not paying for it at all, anymore than any other of the US's trading partners. Do you imagine China think they are paying? Or Saudi Arabia???? I doubt it!!
Keep twisting simple facts to suit your message Khandro - Trump does it every single day, so you are in good company.