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Fired For Refusing Poppies?

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mushroom25 | 12:46 Sat 03rd Nov 2018 | News
245 Answers

that's how the headline reads - but it's not how it was reported on TV last night, nor indeed is it said in the text of the article. The police are investigating not the refusal, but threats made after the event. and the driver wasn't dismissed for refusing to transport poppies, but for falsifying his job card.

all very strange, eh?


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It was probably a relative of James McClean :-)
Meanwhile. Further proof, if needed, that we have raised and encouraged generations of "citizens" with no respect for a hard won heritage.
no respect indeed, what a callous thing to do.
AH 22:08: "OK - care to elaborate as to why you have that view? " - I think it's pretty clear, you said: "On the other side we have those who have decided that he must be a Muslim, and must have refused to deliver the poppies in order to unsult the nation's war dead, because let's face it, that's the kind of thing any Muslim would do, and he is obviously a Muslim, so he is acting to type. " - That is my view and almost certainly the case here.

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still waiting....
"".I think he said it was 'pointless' and a waste of many fine young men.... " as much as I respect Harry Patch, and I have read his book. The fact is that it's not "pointless" the point is to avoid subjugation by an enemy and unless we can avoid it by negations war is necessary, NOT futile and NOT pointless. " - still waiting for the alternatives..
PP it was Palmerston who said
“The Schleswig-Holstein question is so complicated, only three men in Europe have ever understood it. One was Prince Albert, who is dead. The second was a German professor who became mad. I am the third and I have forgotten all about it.”

The Barking Dogs in The Room seem much more likely to provide amusement than the elephants.

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And if I'm wrong, I'll apologise !
Wow, 151 posts for a stupid non story - must be a slow, boring day for many.
Is this how the site works now? Folk post bigoted comments based on no evidence but say they'll apologize if they're wrong so that's fine and dandy?

The forgotten Muslim heroes who fought for Britain in the trenches
The stories of the 2.5 million Muslims who travelled to Europe to fight for the allies during the first world war are finally being told.
Let's say, for the sake of argument, that the taxi driver is a Muslim, there is still no evidence, apart from fundamental prejudice on the part of observers, to suggest that because he is a Muslim, he would refuse to transport poppies.
You only have to read the comments here to see what certain sections of the United Kingdom think of poppies.
Kinks at 09:59 and 10:32, lowlife scum.
Oops. Just noticed 'kinks' instead of 'links'. I won't change it. The first is probably more appropriate - and that's being kind.
///Is this how the site works now? Folk post bigoted comments based on no evidence but say they'll apologize if they're wrong so that's fine and dandy? ///

That seems to be the way TCL. Any apology will be mealy-mouthed, at best, and full of self-justification at worst....and that is if any of those posters who have jumped to conclusions have the cojones to re-visit this post and proffer an apology in the first place.
"no evidence, apart from fundamental prejudice on the part of observers"

Why do those posts not fall under the category of "content deemed to be Racist, Intolerant or Bigoted." then?

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