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Looks Like The Vetting Process To Become A Plod Needs Looking At....

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ToraToraTora | 16:24 Thu 15th Nov 2018 | News
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why if this was the case was he even considered.

"It has emerged Naude was already being investigated for sex offences when he became a student officer in April 2017."
Absolutely, the process failed here dreadfully.
in general, I don't know how you'd detect if an applicant was a paedophile. In this case, though, he was already being investigated, so someone wasn't paying attention. As for emailing him all the details of the case against him ... the mind boggles.

I'll have to take his lawyers word for it that he's a paedophile, though; in the normal run of things, I think 13-year-olds are too old for paedophiles.
\\Ian Naude admitted having sex with the teenager, but said it was consensual//

As a policeman he would know the age of consent is 16.

A policeman described as a "committed paedophile" is going to be very 'popular' with his fellow inmates imo.
and someone describes you as
' he had been "fairly depicted... as a cold, uncaring, selfish and cruel paedophile".'
er that is your defence lawyer - eek !
if you are going to use those terms - are you meant to recuse yourself as professionally embarassed ?

The relevant chief constable saying - yes ! and there may be more ! many more!

24 by 7 in the NONCE wing for him, in total solitary.

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well YMB, hopefully he'll be allowed occasional un planned association with the other inmates.

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