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Restaurant Chain To Ban Mobile Phones

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emmie | 16:56 Wed 28th Nov 2018 | News
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but for one week only as an experiment, and you get a child's meal free, would it work for longer. I must admit i find it off putting when people are on their mobiles throughout a meal, its rude unless it's an emergency then that would be different.


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Personally I don't care what other people do with their phones when they are in a restaurant. Their rudeness rarely affects me. I'd have something to say if they were with me, but my relatives, friends and acquaintances have better manners than to faff about with a phone when they are at the dinner table. Instead of banning phones and offering free meals for...
20:07 Wed 28th Nov 2018
Personally I don't care what other people do with their phones when they are in a restaurant. Their rudeness rarely affects me. I'd have something to say if they were with me, but my relatives, friends and acquaintances have better manners than to faff about with a phone when they are at the dinner table.

Instead of banning phones and offering free meals for children, I'd rather they banned children and offered a free mobile phone.

They have not banned 'phones
"They have not banned 'phones"

So they haven't, Balders. Sorry, I've only just read the full article. It's interesting that the restaurant should be "Frankie & Bennys". I was unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of F&B's "hospitality" just the once. Quite honestly punters there would be far better off concentrating on their phones and dispensing with the food and drink entirely.
I've only been to a Frankie and Benny's once and hated it. However, I'd be a very happy bunny if all restaurants banned any sight of mobile phones. Nothing, but nothing is so urgent that it can't wait for the duration of a meal. OK - if you're expecting some dire news imminently, stay at home with your landline rather than going out to eat - a simple question of priorities.
Diddlydo - I don't have a landline. What do I do?

I put my phone on vibrate and only answer to family members but I do excuse myself and go outside.

I'd never let my kids use their phone at the dinner table. They're not even allowed at home, let alone an eating place.
I've never had a mobile phone, and am amazed at how people seem unable to function without one, even just for the duration of a meal.
When I go out for a meal I always turn my phone off.

I have a Mobile, it sits on the bedside unit overnight, might get picked up for the odd timecheck, brought downstairs in morning, put on desk only gets picked up if it rings. If I drive anywhere it's connected to the hands free system but no guarantee that I'll answer it and if we go out for a meal it stays in my pocket turned off, only there for getting a Taxi home.
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That a restaurant deems it appropriate to suggest such a plan is a sad indictment on the social skills of society as a whole.
You mention pictures 1ozzy, there's a restaurant my Daughter goes to where it's almost part of the whole theatre of the outing to take shots but certainly no time to natter on your phone.

It isn't called the Alchemist for nothing and some of the images are amazing.
Marvel - but do you have elderly relatives?
Lucky you, emmie. You can afford to go out for meals regularly by the sound of it. Anyway, who cares if someones on the phone and you've got nice food in front of you? It won't spoil the taste, will it?
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the last time i went out for a meal was in
august, for my brothers birthday, hardly going out a lot wouldn't you say.
My adult children who are phone-addicted (yes, it's an addiction!)wouldn't dream of having their phones in our dining-room when we're eating - phones are always left elsewhere, not because I've asked them to but because they have decent manners. Same applies when we go out to a restaurant - phones stay in their pocket/bag for the duration of the meal.
'Restaurant chain' might be pushing it a bit.
'American-style diner that heats up frozen portions' might be more accurate in my experience.

The phone thing lets you know who to avoid, a bit like when a cat flicks its tail.
Emmie, you said you see parents and children on mobiles. That sounded to me like you were a regular. S'all.
It's a gimmick to get people through the door. Plenty of places offer 'kids eat for free' deals anyway, but making it a thing about mobile phones attracts a bit more attention and a BBC news article.
If people are worried about missing important,urgent news then either stay at home or do what we all used to do before mobile phones became the in accessory.You leave those who may need to contact you the restaurant phone number. Always left the number with baby sitters an asked the parents of the kids we used to babysit as well.
To me there's a hug difference between taking an important call when you are out (a job which means you are on call eg) to sitting on your phone all through a meal.

I have seen folk in snack bars and coffee shops messing with their phones or reading/doing paperwork but in a restaurant they usually have cutlery and are eating.

Yes, even the children NJ thinks shouldn't be taken out and introduced to how to behave in public amongst grumpy older people.

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