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Will You Be Watching On Tuesday

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emmie | 12:10 Sun 09th Dec 2018 | News
86 Answers
for the Brexit vote,
Mrs May has her work cut out if this deal doesn't go ahead


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The grass is still growing, it needs watching>
I will.
There hasn't been as much drama in a legislature since Caesar fell out with Brutus and co.
The only thing listed on Parliamentary TV is ‘Debate - Conclusion of Debate on Section 13 (1)(b) of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (Day 5)’

Not sure whether that’s the vote.
I’m sure all you would see would be MPs going into a booth / room and coming out again, so pretty boring. The votes will have to be counted.
The bookies think MPs are going to vote for this deal. Surely not.
12.15 " Whether our Country is going to be stuck with the EU for the rest of our days" ? Hope so Emmie.
Zacs-Master' Bookies have the odds as:
Yes 1/9
No 8/1.'
Spicerack //The bookies think MPs are going to vote for this deal.//
Have you a link? Papers are still saying about 100 Tory mp's are going to vote against it.
I could not give a rats backside, I am sick to death with all this Brexit nonsense.

In/out. Leave/remain. Who cares anymore , it is a complete dogs dinner of a mess.
I'm as surprised as you are, Danny.
Let me put it this way; if May manages to win this vote then please gather outside Harrod's the following morning where I will be displaying my Rse in the main window.
That will screw up their Christmas display Jack.
Well I know where I'm going on Tuesday morning :-)
Harvey Nichols ?
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i thought that it might be interesting to view, or at least see eventually who voted where.
Try my link on Tuesday Emmie.
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ok mamy

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