That's lovely and all, OG, but three is a further problem: no matter how much you insist on ignoring the evidence, the truth is that a No Deal exit would be extremely damaging to the UK. There have by now been more than enough studies, reports, investigations, reviews and papers published to show that this will be so. How can any MP reasonably be expected to endorse blindly pushing the UK, and perhaps by extension the EU with it, into a damaging and totally unnecessary economic downturn or worse? Chasing the abstract notion of sovereignty isn't justification enough to go down that route.
It is the responsibility and duty of our representative to act in the best interests of the country, not to blindly follow orders. The reason we send MPs to Parliament is to act on our behalf, and exercise their judgement accordingly. Parliament's best judgement is, and always has been, that being part of the EU, or EC as it used to be, was in the best interests of the UK. It is a shame that they never bothered to explain why, but they could and should have.