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Murder On The Train.

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Theland | 16:15 Fri 04th Jan 2019 | News
64 Answers
Man stabbed to death on a Guildford to London train.

I am guessing it is TROP yet again!

No more details yet.


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// I'll ask you the same question I asked andy you actually believe what you are typing?//

er yeah - usually -

and far more than I actually believe what YOU type !
132 fatal stabbings of which a minimal number were islamic terrorism
yeah the locale is not Black on Black
Clandon is a really nice place in Surrey ...

pretty clear it is not drugs either
( you dont usually do a drugs run with a kid in tow)
Peter, be honest

'one AB fixed delusion is that every knife fight is to do with brown tanned people converting christians to islam
it isnt'

That is bull and you know it.
This is horrible, in front of the dead man's 14 yr old son, unbelievable. Poor family, poor boy. A very nice part of Surrey, not somewhere you would expect it to happen. I hope they catch him quickly.;ceid=GB%3Aen

there you go...sooo if id have had a nice bet on how tanned the perp was i would have won..although the bookies wouldnt have given odds to shout about...
>What was so difficult about saying the murderer was a black man from the offset?

Can we just stop this nonsense,

Can we kust stop this nonsense, Talbot. They have arrested someone. I'm sure they have their reasons for dripfeeding info regarding suspects. I'm not sure what use is it to say at the outset "it was a black man, a white man, a woman, a bearded man" as that just could just lead to loads of false leads " I saw a black/bearded man in Argos- could it be him"

Well done t the police. Good job they don't listen to people or have to keep justifying themselves to people trying to tell them how to do their job.
Latest news is that a man has been arrested along with a woman accused of assisting him.
The ABer called Talbo posted:

"The ABer called fiction-factor says

'They didn't give much useful info description-wise re the Burley attacker but caught someone'

Can I ask... do you think the CCTV image helped?"

Just spotted your question. The answer is I don't know and I doubt you do. What I do know is they achieved the result once again so I am happy so it would seem wrong to question their tactics.

Maybe you should ask the chief constables to explain their reasoning.
Assisting an offender is a serious offence. In days of yore it carried the death penalty (cf Dame Alice Lisle - 1685)
Thanks danny. Yes, I did include teh sentence "They have arrested someone" and hence my "Well done to the police" but it may have got lost amidst all my text in response to Talbot's theories
Sorry FF, I was just adding the fact that a woman had also been arrested.
// Assisting an offender is a serious offence. In days of yore it carried the death penalty (cf Dame Alice Lisle - 1685)//
er yes - no
assisting an offender is a statutory crime of rel recent origin.
Dame Alice Lisle was executed for accessory to treason
she dabbed the wounds of someone running away from the battlefield at sedgemoor - there was an outcry at the time.

she next resurfaces ( pun intended ) during the uproar over Edith Cavell 1915 who was shot by the enemy for assisting the enemy (er the other enemy). The Germans ( or Huns at the time) said the English have done the same - - and then cited the case of Dame Alice Lisle ....

More recently ( ha!) Dale Cregan's auld mum, Angie was done for assisting an offender in giving Dale a false alibi - I think - it might have been perjury - and did time for it.
Dale was the one eyed cop killa ( Manchester again).
oh,assisting an offender

here - 2007 offence covering incitement and the circumstances that the offence WOULD be committed

where is NJ ?
Darren Pencille has been named as the man charged. No further information about his background, etc. But doesn't strike me as a TROP name.
Neither does Jack Letts.
Indeed not. But not all crimes -- indeed, most of them, sadly -- have to do with TROP. It's rather pathetic that this was Theland's first and overriding impulse.
Agree, but to be fair he said he wasn't hoping it was TROP.

Yes, yes...I know.

Talbot - // Agree, but to be fair he said he wasn't hoping it was TROP. //

Not in his OP he didn't!
As you have told me I am not a smart as you but I can read.

He was guessing in the that right?

Talbot - // As you have told me I am not a smart as you … //

I have never said that.

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