Went away for just a few hours and came back to pages of posts. So....
TTT @ 9.44
It’s a choice to over eat in the first place. Actually perhaps it’s not as simple as overeating but more about not using up the energy values one ingests but it has the same result. It’s a choice to over eat. It’s a choice to not do anything or not seek help in doing smething about that.
To take away the choice elements means that people can sit back and simply say the NHS should make me better.
Where it is true, for me at least, compulsion comes into it when you have become obese. Fat makes you lazy and lazy makes you fatter. I don’t think anyone starts out with the thought,,, today I am going to start on the road to becoming fat/very fat/obese. It is a gradual thing. But somewhere along the line we all look in the mirror and see (in this case) roles of fat, a squat face with eyes sunk into cheeks so puffed up and round we look like pigs, with a stomach so big we have to lift it up so we can go for a wee.
This is the point at which it is a mental disorder that needs addressing. Obesity itself isn’t a disease but the result it a mental disorder. Either body dismorphia, a depression of some sort or a combination.
A lot of fat and obese people know they are and as my friend says, I know I’m fat and I know I Should eat less and/or exercise more, I just don’t.
Everything nowadays seems to be going further away from personal responsibility, cause and effect.