Oh, for heaven's sake, Fender62. Referring to someone as 'coloured' was a serious disciplinary offence (possibly resulting in dismissal) when I was teaching back in the 70s and 80s. (Any pupil using that term would certainly have been in a great deal of trouble).
Many black people regard the term 'coloured' as equivalent to using the n-word. If you haven't yet caught on just how offensive it is I can only assume that you've been living in an (all-white?) bubble for the past few decades.
In which case "many black people" should stop looking for excuses to feel offended. We can't go on forever substituting one word of phrase for another only to be told later, that's not right either.
"Bame" has a very short life expectancy, IMO. Surely it can't be long before someone takes offence at 'minority enthic' - sounds pretty pejorative to me!