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Missed That Bus

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Canary42 | 18:05 Tue 02nd Apr 2019 | News
32 Answers
The time to talk tough with the EU was the day after the (non-binding) referendum result.

"Reform, or we'll leave" would have been seen as a serious threat, and got them worried, especially since the peoples of at least a couple of other significant member countries at the time shared our concerns about the EU Commission's autonomy, the plank which metamorphosed into the "Take back control" slogan on the Brexit Bus.

By rushing into signing Article 50 we missed the bus and blew our chances - yet another misjudgement by the self-serving Tories.

P.S. Although a Remainer, I share absolutely the Brexiteer's dislike and distrust of the Commission, I just think the shedding of all advantages of membership seems too risky - I hope I'm proved wrong in this respect.


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Yes, we are.

Alea iacta est.

Or is it erit?
...replying to "we are where we are"

// Alea iacta est ("The die is cast") is attributed by Suetonius to Julius Cheezer on January 10, 49 B.C. his army crossed the Rubicon.//

erm replying to alea jacta est

erit for you AB thickos means- will be
as in the die will be cast

and THAT as a know-all writes, changes the whole meaning.

Caesar didnt say: oo er mrs, the die will be cast but I will do that later - at present I have a river to cross !

here - the die isnt yet case innit? we could still revoke A50

and did he later say
somnambuli sumus omnes - ad brexitam duram !

we are all sleep walking towards a hard brexit
Only Boris has a clear vision for the way forward, .... out now, and get on with it.
Talking of Latin, I haven't noticed a post by Jackdaw recently.

Anybody seen one?
is he the one that read classical arabic at uni?
No, he was the one who taught Latin, and knew that aorist is specifically a Greek tense.

Classical Arabic is DcCrossword fan's area (according to you), whereas you only know the modern varities given your travels in sub-Saharan West Africa and the Maghreb.
Actually I was asking the question because I know from some of his posts that he (Jackdaw) is in poor health.
He had a peep on the 28th March.
Peta - // andie's post - - - hi Andie !
we are where we are ....
or am I missing something ( again ) //

Hi Peta - yes you are missing something, because I am not saying 'we are where we are ...'

I am saying that we are in this situation which anyone with a modicum of common sense could and should have seen coming from Day One, and I am unable to understand why, having negotiated all our bargaining power away, we are still looking at the best possible deal for the EU, and worst for us, as though that has been a foregone conclusion from the start.

It wasn't then, and it still isn't now.

The notion that Mrs May is discussing the future with Jeremy Corbyn absolutely beggars belief. Why not Michael Heseltine and Tony Blair in, if we are having a Hatter's Tea Party, let's get them all in and round the table.

A very happy un-Brexit to you ...
"we are all sleep walking towards a hard brexit"

I'm not, Peter. I'm wide awake and will break into a gentle trot if it will expedite matters (and that's saying something with these knees).

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