Naomi - // AH, top of the list on your CV is not your hobby, but pen-pushing full time for 40 years at a utilities company which hardly qualifies you to criticise in such a vitriolic manner someone who has achieved so much more. That I believe is a valid, genuine, and accurate criticism so I trust you can, as you say, take it. //
I do take it, and immediately dismiss it, as I am sure you would expect.
But I would request that we stop this sidetracking of the thread - much as I love talking about myself, I am not the subject of debate here, so let's return to the thread shall we?
Just one last thought though, if I am prevented from criticising President Trump because he has 'achieved so much more', can we look forward to the cessation of your daily criticism of the prophet Mohammed, if you are willing to practice what you preach?