All well and good lobbing some milkshake at some pompous, arrogant, narcissistic person with warped political ambitions but some poor old pensioner??? OTT.
Well a lot of people disagree with the rubbish you spout off about Spath. Should we all be allowed to lob things at you? How about some things with heavy lumps in? How about a knife? How about a nail bomb?
If you think reasonable protest includes violence then you are a child that has not learned the humanities.
But you are right, the words i used could describe a number of politicians, which is why they are perfect for the job. The one i had in mind was actually aspiring political career Tommy Robinson - AKA Stephen
So spath, if i was looking over your shoulder as you went about your everyday business - typing posts to put on AB - and i didn't agree with your viewpoint, i'd be quite entitled to pour a gallon of milkshake over your napper? No, i didn't think so.
"How about some things with heavy lumps in? How about a knife? How about a nail bomb? "
It's all well and good saying how about this, how about that.. But what we are talking about is spilt milk. No point comparing it to a knife is there. IF it becomes as serious as chemicals or a knife.. then that is a very different story.
"i'd be quite entitled to pour a gallon of milkshake over your napper? "
If i had the position of authority and the political ability to implement life changing ideologies, then yes. However i'm just a random guy, no power, no voice to warp the minds of millions.
Maybe you don't understand how serious politics is.. So serious that if you commit heinous (in people opinion) acts, then they will pour milkshake over you. Aint got the bottle don't walk the path.
Now Spath - did you read the story of the little boy with a cheese allergy, who died when someone threw a piece of cheese at him for a laugh? Suppose this man had been allergic to milk.
more seriously I would hate to think that people who genuinely have something to contribute to politics might be put off by your "ain't got the bottle don't walk the path" comment. If protecting them means protecting the various idiots as well then so be it.
Spath, you are condoning assault against certain people that you don't like... nobody is an "antagonist" for violence... even politicians!
The only way it might possibly be anywhere near ok, if pointless, would be in self-defence. And this obviously is an attack, not defence.
"Maybe you don't realise how serious politics is." I didn't until you came along to explain it for me, oh Enlightened One. If you ain't got the bottle, you ain't got nowt to put your milkshake in, innit.
// "All well and good lobbing milkshake at a pompous, arrogant, narcissist." //
I think that's where your argument begins to develop its cracks, spathi.
leach away - surely
as a New J I am surprised someone has not pointed out that it is unlawful to canvass at a polling station - innit?
I cd be wrong ....