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The Duchess Of Sussex Will Snub President Trump On His State Visit To The Uk.

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anotheoldgit | 09:25 Sat 25th May 2019 | News
277 Answers

She chose to become a Royal along with all that which goes with the position, which will entail meeting various dignities that one may not particularly like for one reason or another.

I think that this one time American actress will continue to cause embarrassment, not only to our long standing Royal Family but also to the tolerant British people.


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Given the amount of milk that’s been squirted around in protest the last few weeks I think the solution arrived at is the best all round.
No - er - expressing of embarrassing opinions - either way
you think she should be dragged in half way through by the hair
whilst the gathered crowd chant - eat ! eat !

duct tape across the mouth

and Mr Trump - the most powerful man on Earth ! - will say - Ya know how to treat your subjects, yah majesty !
to the brown skinned Mayor of London probably
// One is only entitled to maternity leave if one works for a living.//
she is working for her living
she is working her butt off .....

Duchess of Thutth ecth
yeth well Meghan hath no thibillanth in it
According to Harry , what meghan wants, megan gets.

Henpecked or what.
SK, so your wife never gets what she wants?
Not to the extent this silly woman demands.
SK, and how do you know what she demands?
// According to Harry , what meghan wants, megan gets. //
well they have a baby - so Harry is obviously getting what he wants as well
marriage made in heaven .....

I wish them both well and if Pres Trump has to fill up at the Leicester Sq McDonald's then all power to his dong !
THink that I had better see a doctor, I actually understood what PP posted.
By and large if my husband can make me happy he does, and guess what? I make him happy too if I can- isn't that what married life is supposed to be like? Why should Meghan and Harry be any different, and don't trumpet 'They're ROYAAAALLLLLL!!!'- makes not an iota of difference. Much more cr4p from the British gutter press and you'll find that Prince Harry will be the first Royal to decamp to the States and tell them all to shove it. they could live off her money for the rest of their lives and never want for anything.
Ɖong is a the unit of Vietnamese currency
just saying
// THink that I had better see a doctor, I actually understood what PP posted.//

Hi Danny ( er that means 'hello!' )

I note that "Marriage made in Heaven" is four words
which is nearly a three-word-sentence
and explains it .....
O dear! Back to normal.
of course, as a modern American woman she wouldn't have just had a wet nurse, she'd have paid a surrogate to do the whole thing while she got on with her life

However, she has obligingly gone about it the British way, which shows a commendable desire to assimilate.
How old are you AOG? Last time I heard of a wet nurse it was in a Dickens novel.
Trumps probably better off without her sitting around scowling at him all day from her loftier than thou podium.
This woman is merely a bit-player in the play-acting involving the Royal Family and its swarming entourage. If she doesn't want to play her part the show will still go on.
maggiebee //Trump is a Johnny Come Lately who will disappear into the ether while Meghan will continue to be a member of the royal family.//

I wouldn't bet on that, maggie.
Well it seems that in this case the "Royal Bashers" are not having a bash at this particular 'Royal', I wonder why? AOG.
Live and let live I say.

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