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E H R C Stepping In.......

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ToraToraTora | 16:29 Tue 28th May 2019 | News
19 Answers
I wonder if St Tony envisaged that the Labour party would be one of the targets for investigation when his government set up the EHRC.


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Perhaps Mr Blair was thinking of the possibility of this other investigation, TTT.
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perhaps, let me know when they are investigating the Tories.
'Alasdair Campbell is appealing'

Not a phrase you see every day.
You won't need me to let you know; just go on reading the papers and watching the news, mate!
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I am, they tell me Labour is being investigated.
You already told us that in your OP, TTT. I was providing information on another potential investigation. Have a read of my link, too. Just trying to help you keep up with developments.
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like I said let me know when it becomes and investigation.
no, no, QM, anti-Semitism wicked, Islamophobia no problem. You have to discriminate among Semites before you can safely discriminate against them
Typical of me, J...I'd utterly forgotten about the other branch of that Middle Eastern heritage.
Typical left liberal deflection I see here from the usual. I cannot see one answer actually addressing the OP.

Well TTT, I doubt he did and it's a disgrace that COB could easily avoided. Instead they had a faux investigation after which the investigator got a peerage.

You reap what you sow.
Awww bless. Here's your minion to the 'rescue', TTT.

The reason no one has addressed the main topic is because its biased cobblers.
//he reason no one has addressed the main topic is because its biased cobblers.//

How can you say it's biased cobblers when quite a few Labour Party members plus the Deputy leader have stated the Party mishandled the allegations from the onset and it is Labour's day of shame?

//Change UK MP Luciana Berger, who left Labour over its handling of anti-Semitism, tweeted: "It should never have got to this - particularly for a political party which is supposed to pride itself on the values of equality and anti-racism."

Labour MP Ruth Smeeth said her party's leadership should "hang their heads in shame", adding: "In recent years, Jewish members have been undermined, humiliated and made to fell unwelcome in my party.//
'How can you say it's biased cobblers'

Because Tora seems to want to ignore the impending investigation into Boris.
Mmm, you've got to admit TTT, it's not everyday the Muslim Council of Britain accuse someone of Islamophobia. (sarc)
I believe TTT has contributed his thoughts on the Boris thread already. He can only visit one thread at a time.

//New anti-Semitism shame for Corbyn as he REFUSES to answer questions after Labour becomes only the second party after the BNP to face an official racism probe//

I wonder what the poor late Mikey would say about that damning headline. His beloved Party that could do no wrong. How he slated the BNP with a vengence as well. He must be turning in his grave to see the drubbing they got in the EU election.Mr Farage was not Mikey's flavour of the week at any time as well. :-)
'He can only visit one thread at a time.'

Mikey was a dyed-in-the-wool Labourite, but his posts were always fair and well balanced.

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