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Ann Widdecombe & The Bbc News

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Khandro | 08:13 Fri 05th Jul 2019 | News
48 Answers
I turned to the BBC news last evening (which I rarely do) in order to see what coverage they gave to her inspired maiden speech to the EU Parliament, did anyone else? - if you blinked you may have missed it !
The BBC (Brussels Broadcasting Company) broadcast one sentence and followed it with, "critics have said ....". While other online media are full of it; the Telegraph has full articles on it and the Mail says, "If you only watch one video this year you should watch this one".
I find it incredible that this organisation wants every household to give it 150 quid a year for its "unbiased reporting", do you agree?


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Brilliant from her, she told them exactly how I and millions of others are feeling, we're out and we are going, we are saying goodbye to the the most undemocratic, money making system in the world. I have never been a fan of Miss Widdecombe but she represents my views here, well said that woman!
What an excellent PM she would make.
Perhaps, one day, science will produce an answer to Ann Widdecombe.
Or maybe to Jim 360.
The difference between your post and mine is that I was making a reference to something Widdy's actually said.
I wish a few more politicians had her passion. Easy target to mock isn't she.
LB, could you pop in here please?

Sorry to interrupt Khandro.
Jim, //The difference between your post and mine is that I was making a reference to something Widdy's actually said. //

I'd hazard a guess that danny was making a reference to what you've actually said too. ;o)
Listening to her I was struck by her resemblance to that doyenne of the Left, Bessie Braddock. Anyone remember her? Opposite sides of the political spectrum but the same fire and passion.
Yes, I wondered if anyone would pick up on that, Naomi :P

Still, I wouldn't have said it if Widdershins hadn't said it, so I still claim a dubious high ground :)
Jim, why are you calling her Widdershins?
Oh my ‘ what an excellent PM she would make “. That a joke isn’t it aog ?
//and I shall await you with my second (v_e), tomorrow at 6:00am//
you might have a long wait
Widdy was a victim of the most petty spite ever shown by a PM. She was denied the peerage which would have normally come her way solely because she dared to defy Cameron and vote in favour of a ban on foxhunting.
It's just another word that begins "widd", is all.
Jim, I know what means. Try being honest - just for a change.
I actually *am* being honest. You're reading too much into it.
Course I am. Your second poor try in just a few minutes.
I'd love to pretend I was being clever, but it was just genuinely about the sound of it. The potential political commentary of the meaning occurred to me after I'd written the post, not before. I was going to call her Widdy McWiddface next.

Right ...

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