// it’s time someone asked the courts if it’s legal to ignore the result of a democratic vote - democracy is the cornerstone of our society.//
yes they have - no it is isnt - even a statement/assurance in a manifesto ( it is not done to ignore a manifesto plea and certainly not do the opposite) is not enforceable
( Greece - Gomboulis came to power ( syriza ) promising to spend spend spend and was forced by the EU to go for austerity - he has just been turned out of power by a vote. Hay Ni - you can vote for X and then vote for not-X five years later - a bit like Brexit).
there isnt even democracy in the jury room - you dont outvote the one who is hanging out
//how difficult will the business of government become if every contentious issue ends up having to be decided by the courts?//
reith lectures
Sumptie - ex Law Lord thank God. Brayne the size of Jupiter. Clearly the brayne measuring man musta been on holiday when they did Sumptie
His depressing thesis was that there were areas where the judges should say - "o o - we dont go anywhere near there!"
after four depressing hours of it - it sounds more like,
" o o we dont go anywhere that would affect our very large govt pensions,(*)( where is mine, I'm on my way!"
(*) like tread on govt (our paymasters mind) toes