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If Anyone Tells Me.....

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New Judge | 12:13 Thu 01st Aug 2019 | News
38 Answers
That a full stop is "rude" they might find out what rude really is!

What a load of cobblers.


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16:38 Thu 01st Aug 2019
danny......LOL.....JTH has me confused as well.
Danny and jth have made the same point about capitals being seen as shouting.
Not really but nevertheless personally I rarelry use a full stop and proper spelling and punctuation in a text. It comes from the days of limited text lenght and the cost.

Skype and whatsApp though I tend to use proper sentences.

It's just adapting to the tool you are using. Means nothing more than that.
Good for Ms McCulloch, parlaying that media studies two year course into something that doesn't involve asking, 'do you want a bag with that?'.
Did not know about the capitals/shouting rule when I joined about 10yrs ago which is why my name is in capitals. Goodness knows how many times I have requested it to be changed but it has never happened. Have had emails back saying it will be done but obviously too much for the techies to cope with. Apologies in advance to all but I am not shouting at you.
Hello, NJ.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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BA for Jim

(Sorry everybody else who gave serious and considered answers) :-)
foo ,me old chyne (as someone might coin)
full stop rude? the american word is ... ruder

( that would be period - I regard this thread as a wasted opportunity)
Peter, see my post at 1323 on Thursday.
I use capitals to emphasise the odd word. Just try doing the italics thing on a mobile phone. More trouble than it’s worth.

Let it be known I am NOT shouting. :o)
yes you are

Or should that be:

Lots of exclamation marks look like the rantings of a mad person. I have to check my dad’s writing when he sends letters of complaint!!!!
I have noticed people don’t bother with full stops much. They usually end with kisses. If I don’t get a kiss at the end of a message I assume the person is upset with me in some way.
Ah, the vagaries of the t'interweb.
My 300th Best Answer!

I'm not saying NJ is now my favourite person on AB, but ... :)
//My 300th Best Answer!//

Quality will out
I do not type text messages any more, I use the speech to text function. That does not punctuate unless you say it as a command, which I never do. So unwittingly I have been following the new etiquette.
If I do punctuate with a question mark, I add that manually by typing, but I have started to add a space before the mark.
Is that odd ?

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