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Khandro | 10:40 Fri 30th Aug 2019 | News
78 Answers
One doesn't have to be a woman to empathise with how horrible it must be to be raped, but by these faces it must be even more traumatic.


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Gromit/Peter Padant

When I said that I have not seen any report on this, except 2 days ago in some newspapers, I meant that it had not been on the TV news, not to my knowledge at least, and I watch the TV news reports every day.
I find your opening comment astonishing Khandro and don't know where your head was when you wrote it.
Question Author
//don't know where your head was when you wrote it.//
Where it always is, see my previous.
What is Breitbart? Never heard of it.

Seems to have taken a long time but glad they've all been convicted. Have they been sentenced yet? Hope they all get life.
/// I find your opening comment astonishing Khandro and don't know where your head was when you wrote it. ///

Normal reaction when the likes of these horrific scum's crimes are published.

Blame the Newspaper, blame and insult the AnswerBanker who dared to enter their crimes up for discussion, but never criticise, insult or condemn the criminals.

What is it about some, are they scared to be called racist?
// I find your opening comment astonishing Khandro and don't know where your head was when you wrote it.//

erm between his legs?
his tail I mean - its a long tale - and his tail was between his legs .....
// I meant that it had not been on the TV news, not to my knowledge at least,//

it is also to your knowledge from the long painful threads every day(*) on the truly tragic Tommy Tossoff case - that court reporting is at the order of the judge. As we know he said - Tommy, zip it - and all the journos who can spell "slammer", zipped it
and Tommy he no zip it
with totally predictable results - prison sentence

(*) every day - means matutinal, yes every damn day yet more ....
AOG, don't you dare put me in one of your labelled categories., such as 'the likes of' or 'typical'.

I am neither.

I don't care where it was reported and am glad these cases are being reviewed and when that is done I hope the highest possible punishment is handed down to them.

I will comment about how an OP posts a thread, lord knows you AOG rip into my every answer some days (as is your right).

//What is it about some, are they scared to be called racist?// dear sweet crusading caped campaigner, step forward AOG ! [zimmer frame n all]

well Mama - I know Some One who doesnt like to be called racist .....
Shocking, AOG, the wording of the OPis awful!
I've never called an ABer racist not have I been called racist.

Nearest I got on here was being called a child abuser - but to borrow a phrase of yours Peter, that was just another day on AB.
// lord knows you AOG rip into my every answer some days //

rip ? riiiip? he must take his teeth out before he lets rip !
what is it like to have one of your posts - - - sucked to death ?
Stop it, I've gone queasy.

Playing Miss innocent yet again, are you?

All very well for you to finally come out and openly criticise these disgusting rapists, when you have been found out regarding your preferred attitude for attacking the messenger, rather than the perpetrators.
Give it a rest, AOG!
The very first thing you see when you open a thread are the OP's opening words.

If you can see no problem in that , then you need pity.

That anyone should even have to condemn a possible rapist is crazy, it is surely a foregone conclusion.


I haven't been a 'Miss' since 1979 and my innocence went earlier.

Now find someone else to try and pull apart.

/// Shocking, AOG, the wording of the OPis awful! ///

Yet another who has come on here to criticise the news source also the Thread author, yet not one mention of these rapists.

I admit the author could have chose his words differently, but in the end who has committed the vilest crime?

Certainly not Khandro.
You are something else, AOG, you really are!
I worry for you that you need everything spelled out.

The rapists have committed the crime.
Be fair Ummmm, maybe he really didn't know.

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