I dont know who all these insecure people are who are so intolerant of other faiths. They have no place at any level of politics. We cant tar all of a particular faith as bad when its only a few radicals.
Aye TTT, showing your true colours. If you could even speak English it would help - what on earth is a "canary". You probably went to a great school - was it approved?
maggie, Canary is another ABer who does what you do, locate a ridiculous story, compare it with one that you are embarrassed about and then scarpa. Anyway as you have now returned to your thread, care to respond to my post at 16:54?
My dear TTT, I do not "locate" ridiculous stories. They appear on my FB page and if I feel they are worth sharing then I will. I am not a supporter of either Labour or the Toerags but feel they should have equal coverage. No idea who Canary is and I do not "scarpa". Believe it or not, some of us on here actually work for a living and cannot sit on screen 24/7 as some, including yourself, appear to do.