They know once we are out they will start to see the demise of the empire theyve wanted for decades, they can see how the whole Ponzi scheme will start to collapse and with it their dreams of power over european nation states and their citizens..
Don't think we will be leaving if our constituency has anything to do with it. We voted by a majority of almost 10 per cent to leave. Our standing MP a conservative is leaving and his replacement is a remainer along with all the other candidates.
...similar to my own really, leave won round here but I think the MP is a closet remain-er though he tends to keep schtumm on the matter and obey the whip.
TLC (ironic, noting tender or loving about ye) That is utter delusion. They will do fine without us and it's arrogant to think otherwise. They were democratically elected, so i've no idea what kind of delusion you're suffering from.
Remember when everybody screamed blue murder when the Don voiced an opinion on the Brexit farce? Accusing him of interfering in our democratic process blahh, blahh, blahh. Tusk makes a direct appeal to thwart a democratic vote and not a peep. Indeed the Beep Beep See decides to give in "front page" status and a tacit approval. Funny old World.
It was not a democratic vote, as I repeatedly remind you. And as we are part of EU then of course it's reported widely here, but Don has nothing to do with the UK (thank goodness) - yet. Just wait until he does post-Breaksit and you'll find out what "democracy" really means.
Well there's an admission. Honesty and Frankness does not sit well on the EU shoulders. Just a puppet who has his strings pulled. Careful Tusk . You still have a whopping pension to consider. Hopefully we will not be contributing to it for long.
//He acknowledged this in his speech, adding his remarks were "something I wouldn't have dared to say a few months ago, as I could be fired for being too frank". //
//he also said Brexit would likely mark the "real end of the British Empire".//
Crikey, with all the 'despise everything British' Remainers he could have shot himself in the foot with that one! They'll all be chomping at the bit to get out now!!
Personally I hope the EU flourishes once we have left, we need an economically sound neighbour.
However, I suspect this will not be the case. Once they loose the UK contribution it will fall on others to stump up. They wont be keen but with Germany in recession that's what will have to happen.
We probably won't get an answer but I believe Canary suggests the referendum wasn't democratic because of overspending by the Leave campaign and misleading information being presented to the electorate.
The "overspending" claim (which was upheld) neglected to include the £9m (which, at 30p a pop was almost certainly an underestimate) spent by the government sending a leaflet to every address in the country headed "Why the government believes that voting to remain in the European Union is the best decision for the UK". Canary is certainly right about misleading information. That very leaflet said:
"This is your decision. The government will implement what you decide". Note:
- Nothing about "deals".
- Nothing about a second "confirmatory" referendum.
- Nothing about "only if it does not cause too much trouble."