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In Support Of John Major

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diddlydo | 13:20 Fri 06th Dec 2019 | News
119 Answers
I never thought I'd support John Major but in preference to what we have in his place I'm right with him.


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I agree with Emmies opening comment
Diddlydo was it not you who called into question , Boris’s private life?
well to be fair he did unexpectedly beat kinnochio but he's always been a VBQC.
Whatever else one may think of Major, he kept us out of the Schengen agreement. Imagine if he hadn't, doesn't bear thinking about.
The Major ministry negotiated a United Kingdom opt-out from the Social Chapter of the Maastricht Treaty before it was signed in 1992. The Blair ministry abolished this opt-out immediately after coming to power in the 1997 general election.
Bobbie, both Diddlydo and Gulliver have mentioned Boris's private life, mud sticks doesn't it.
John Major - no thanks !!
Don’t we just know there’s an election round the corner when the running scared brigade troll out loads of crap posts about how awful the person who is not their preferred candidate is!

The trouble is of course both sides can give examples of idiocy within the opposition. Neither side is immune.

It is however rather amusing to see that idiocy played out on line though.
One of my Managing Directors (of a major brand oil co) disparagingly said of Major, 'intellectually devoid - he wouldn't make the middle management of the Company.'
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With regard to Major's past private life and Boris's - the point is that Boris is a philanderer now, never mind doing dodgy so-called business deals, and he's the one who wants to be our PM. Do we want someone with such low moral standards?
As mentioned, Major saved us from Kinnock but from then on it was downhill all the way.
many PM's, MPs have and had low moral standards, it didn't stop them getting to the top jobs.
John Major is an idiot who got caught with his pants down quite literally
Boris doesn't 'want' to be PM, he IS the PM.
Remember, "The peas are good tonight, Norma".
JM shouts to Norma, who is upstairs, and says, “Please come down here and help me. I have a killer jigsaw puzzle, and I can’t figure out how to get it started.”

She asks, “What is it supposed to be when it’s finished?”

Major says, “According to the picture on the box, it’s a tiger.”

Knowing how John will spend half a day perusing the box, she decides to help with the puzzle. Norma comes downstairs and into the kitchen - JM shows her where he has the puzzle spread all over the table.

She studies the pieces for a moment, then looks at the box, then turns to her husband and says, “First of all, no matter what we do, John, we’re not going to be able to assemble these pieces into anything resembling a tiger.”

Norma takes his hand and says, “Second, I want you to relax, John, and then…..” she sighed, “we’ll put all these Frosted Flakes back in the box.”
"Please stop trivialising what I intended as serious food for thought."
'ark at 'er !

why ?...with your track record, the broken one that is, how do you expect to be taken with anything but a trivial manner
I'll have peas, and a side plate of peas please :0)
makes you wonder if major and heseltine have companies or interests in europe that effects them financially.
//makes you wonder if major and heseltine have companies or interests in europe that effects them financially.//

This might help you with that one:
NJ, oh ho, no wonder the old goat is miffed

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