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Why Haven't Religious Buildings

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royfromaus | 22:11 Fri 20th Mar 2020 | News
41 Answers
been included in the shutdown?



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They aren't known for gatherings of 500 or more.

Seriously tho, other than Archbishop of Somewhere advising his ministers to restrict weddings to no more than the legal max. of 5, I have no idea.
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Not many pubs are either, albaqwerty.
I don't know of any pubs that hold gatherings of 500 or more, but it seems that they're going to be closed down
Who goes to church anyway these days??
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No physical contact between priests and members
of the public,that’s a blessing itself.
Our village church has closed.
They have. C of E have stopped all services and limited attendance at weddings and funerals. Judaism and Islam are not hierarchical but mosques and synagogues are closing and offering remote services. LDS has stopped gatherings and is telling people to worship at home.
According to the post at 2218, we've heard from the Christian and Jewish faiths. When are we going to hear from the Muslims?
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They have.

They haven't though, have they.
I didn't read far enough into the article, obviously.
ALBA, five is the legal minimum at a wedding. That's the couple getting married, the two witnesses and the minister or person officiating.

The guidance did say that any other folk attending should be at the distance as advised by the WHO.
really should have read before I hit submit, of course it's minimum.
Silly me, sorry.
Thanks TCL
Our two local churches are closing for good very soon due to dwindling congregations and the one my wife frequents gets more for bingo than services.
Our local church has shut down
The Catholic Church made their changes known on Wednesday - not sure if they have been escalated since,things are moving so fast.
Spare a though for the Jehovah's witness,they will have to knock on each others doors.
Church of Scotland stopped all services a fortnight ago.

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