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Fantastic News But Still...

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tiggerblue10 | 07:43 Thu 14th May 2020 | News
40 Answers
...a lot of research needed to establish if antibodies are effective at warding off a second infection and how long they are present in the body for. Potential game-changer.

Another question will be when we can all be tested.


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Doesn't mention whether it will be self test, which would be the speediest way for it to be done.
Excellent news.

Unfortunately the link is to the BBC so the thinkers on this site will automatically dismiss it as MSM disinformation.

Or maybe that's just for stuff they don't agree with.

We'll see.
Let's hope it's successful. It's exactly what's needed.
At least we should be allowed to view it, Douglas.
sounds great, anyione know what form the test takes? Be great if it's home administered then we can all test ourselves and wear some sort of sign that says you've had it.
i'm not sure what benefit this will be, other than to tell those tested that they've had the infection. no government has yet been brave enough to use the information to get known recovered persons back in circulation; because, if that conferred any benefit on the recovered, those who have yet to get the infection might be encouraged to seek deliberate infection.
Sounds good but I'd rather see it on Breitbart to be sure
A star maybe?
-- answer removed --
fingers well crossed
They were discussing it this morning on the BBC and said it would be a blood test, possibly carried out by pharmacists.
Can't see pharmacists doing home visits to those still being shielded, or the housebound.Would be more practical for it to be done by district nurses.
Robinia, how can the housebound, through injury or illness,possibly do that?
I was rather hoping it would be a swab test that could be delivered to every home and returned for analysis. That would be ideal.
Being brutal if they're housebound why does it matter?
Why would a housebound person need it, danny?
You'd have to ask the 'experts' that question Danny.
For now I suppose they'd like to get a picture of those people who are moving about in public places.

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