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Black Lives Matter Protest

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Deskdiary | 17:09 Sat 06th Jun 2020 | News
51 Answers
I know I know - it's The Daily Moan so will be dismissed out of hand by some, but I was interested in the pictures of the sheer number of people in attendance.

How is Covid so intelligent that it'll avoid infecting the tightly-packed 000s who attended the protest about the killing of a man on another continent, but I can't bloody well go to the pub tonight because I'll either infect people or be infected?


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Well I'm not racist (not by my definition, anyway). But I didn't have anything to do with the sad death of this cove in America and nor did, I would imagine, anybody in this country. I expect white people die in police operations in the US as well, but we don't hear too much of them. But even if we did, once again, it's nothing to do with us. Seeing our police officers...
17:48 Sat 06th Jun 2020
Water canon should be turned on those throwing missiles and those throwing paint at Churchill’s monument , if it wasn’t for HIM they wouldn’t be there doing what they’re doing now , shameful !
Oh... maybe he just didn't see her from his vantage point....
Yes they should use the horses to trample the people who are disrespecting the Churchill monument. That's what the horses are trained to do. If you knew the first thing about animals you would know you can't make a horse do anything if they don't have trust in their riders. A horse is an animal of flight, to stand there and take the abuse from those morons is the result of years of training.
Sorry... no water cannons left... someone called Boris can answer you there....
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'twas ever thus APG - even going back to the Community Charge riots. Many won't give a monkey's, they just fancy a bit of a dust-up.

I couldn't give a tinker's cuss what the protest is about - it could about saving Unicorns for all I care - the bigger picture is that if just half a dozen pass on Covid to another half a dozen and those half a dozen pass it on to another half a dozen...and so on and so on, then what the hell has the last 10 weeks of purdah been about?

000s of people can congregate in London, in close proximity to each other, but that's OK because they are protesting...whereas the rest of us can't go about our business.

Where are the people who were absolutely losing their minds a couple of weeks ago about Cummings going for a drive? I bet there's a load of them in today's crowd!
I don't think he had much choice but to carry on going forward. Oh , it would probably be ok though. Looks like he was a black policeman. What a load of stupid idiots they are throwing missiles at horses/
So many stupid people in one lump, and not a football in sight.
Anti Racism trumps everything, DD, including the health and wellbeing of society as a whole. to suggest otherwise is of itself racist.
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I think there is a very valid reason to protest, but failing to maintain adequate social distancing and several people on camera wearing masks only covering the mouth and not the nose when you know there's a virus around that has caused a high number of fatalities in BAME people smacks of rank stupidity.
Khan't sold the water cannons.
they must be immune to covid 19, sheer arrogance...
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Christ - Divegirl's idiotic militancy has reared its head. Again.
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