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ToraToraTora | 15:17 Thu 11th Jun 2020 | News
67 Answers
I've read this over and over and I still can't figure out what JKR has done "wrong".


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roy - // Seriously, andy, I think you have an illness. //

Seriously roy, I don't care what you think and if you imagine you can 'diagnose' someone through the internet, there's a job for you at the top end of the NHS!

//The last time I was on the same thread as you it was my own thread where your only objective was to cause disruption. So who was following who? //

It wasn't 'your' thread roy, starting a thread doesn't give you possession of it, we're a democracy here, all threads belong to all.

// And how many off-topic post did you make on that thread? //

I didn't count, but usually I just respond to the other off-topic posts addressed to me - as I am doing now, so if you don't want off-topic posts, you know what to do …

// Why you allowed to mod this site is beyond me. //

Why don;t you address your issues to the Editor off-site, and stop cluttering up threads with previously expressed irrelevant opinions.
Is this thread being monitored?
CAC - // If the media stopped giving credence to every uttering by so called celebrities this kind of tosh wouldnt clutter our newspapers and screens. //

As Paul Weller said - the public gets what the public wants ...
Zacs - // Is this thread being monitored? //

By Moderators? Yes, by at least one, other than that, I have no idea.
This is the news category. Keep it topical.
If Ms Rowling is not allowed to express a view - regardless of her fame and wealth - without being trolled within an inch of her life, then there is something wrong with the understanding of free speech.

I am seriously glad not to be a member of the trans community - life would be difficult enough without these self-righteous attention-seeking poison dripping harpies leaping in every time someone expresses a negative opinion about who I am.
She cans say what she likes but they dont have to over report it
CAC - // She cans say what she likes but they dont have to over report it //

If you or I said it, no one would really care, but Ms Rowling's status as a wealthy and high-profile author makes her 'newsworthy'.
// Depending on how successful these are the process will then be carried out on transgenders .//

there are other issues that need solving first. someone born with X-Y chromosomes will have a pelvis that's too narrow to carry a foetus and give birth - unless the transition process involves dismantling and rebuilding of the pelvis. major major surgery.
JKR shared a link to an article titled: “Opinion: Creating a more equal post-COVID-19 world for people who menstruate.”

To which she responded;

“’People who menstruate’. I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?”

And as per people in the twittersphere lost their minds and called her 'transphobic'.

But she's entirely correct, isn't she?

Only women can menstruate; 'Men' who menstruate are in biological fact, women. 'Men' who give birth are in biological fact, women.

If people choose to suspend belief and accept that 'men' can have periods, then fine, that's up to them, but to then expect other people to accept it, and get all swivel-eyed when they cannot accept what is biologically impossible, is simply not on.

I genuinely have no issue if people want to transition, I really don't - it's their lives and doesn't affect me one jot, but is is wholly unfair to label people as transphobic for having the temerity to suggest that only women can menstruate.
Deskdiary - // I genuinely have no issue if people want to transition, I really don't - it's their lives and doesn't affect me one jot, but is is wholly unfair to label people as transphobic for having the temerity to suggest that only women can menstruate. //


Sadly, the problem with these people who purport to 'support' transgender people, is that they see anyone who comments in a way that doesn't fit with their own pre-determined set of rules is fit for trolling on an industrial level.
Good news, I can peel off the sticker that a big hairy woman put on me last week.

I thought it was the law.
Being female isn't just about menstruation, many don't- older, younger, etc. It's about whether you are of the sex that produces the ova or the sperm. Even transgender people acknowledge this, having made a doc literally called "the Male seahorse".
Deceit isn't healthy for anyone... just let people be how they are without needing to lie.
Of course not all women menstruate, but only women can menstruate.
// She just says Men cannot be naturally female or share all the same physical functions.//the divine retro

oh hi retro ! - erm showing your er female side innit?

just saying
// Of course not all women menstruate, but only women can menstruate.//

yikes ladies - surely you means female of any species?

since this is a hem hem serious thread, I will forebear from mentioning ( er that is mention it) - what about botches?

she is about my age and so I wondered how she knew anything at all about the transworld
plenty of women don't menstruate - the old, the young, the pregnant. So she was right to say that it was an inadequate relabelling.
As I understand it, JKR has no problem with transgender people. She has a problem with allowing people into women's changing rooms simply on the basis that they say they are women. She is concerned by the threat this poses to women.

There are no easy quick fixes to this. Very long term, the answer is going to be individual toilets and changing areas, no "men's" and "women's" at all ... just "Yours".

On the flip side, she ran into controversy by stating that people who menstruate are women, thereby offending all the people who menstruate who identify as men. But she has to say that, to be consistent and non-hypocritical, if she's going to say that men can't be women simply by identifying as such.
I remember back in the early days of Channel 4, a prog called Transworld Sport.

Nothing controversial at all.

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