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gulliver1 | 11:05 Sun 28th Jun 2020 | News
74 Answers
More People now think that Keir Starmer would be a better Prime Minister than Johnson. Latest Poll suggests.
Not very good news for Tory supporters


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I'm not breaking into a panic either!
Gulliver, are you being deliberately obtuse. The first opinion poll on my link is Opinium and they are forecasting the Conservatives ahead by 43%.
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I suppose most were taught Not to panic, when the attended the Tory School of Radicalisation. Maybe ...
I find Keir Starmer quite boring, but sensible and moderate, and after Jeremy Corbyn that is a good thing. Johnson won on his "get Bexit done" mantra, but is not suitable to be PM
Gulliver, I see you are turning a blind eye to what is obvious in my
You can say 'My house is worth half a million pounds ... ' but it's not.

It's only worth half a million pounds on the day someone buys it from you for half a million pounds, until then, it's a guess, not a fact.

More people will think Keir Starmer would be a better Prime Minister on the day of the next election, when more people vote for Keir Starmer than Boris Johnson.

Until that day comes, it's an opinion, and we've all got those.
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"Opinium" poll taken on 25th june , asking the public " Who would make the best P/M"...Result... SKS 37%,,,,, B/J35%. .
Gulliver , I repeat // Opinium and they are forecasting the Conservatives ahead by 43%.//
As you are determined to ignore what is good news for any sensible person I will say Ciao.
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13.05 "My house is worth half a million pounds " and it is . Think positive.
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\\ think positive//
That explains a lot, gulliver thinks positively but not realistically.
Only half a million Gulliver? You need to vote Conservative!!
SKS has been level at least with BJ for some time.
Considering where Labour were a few months back that is progress at least.
Ich, SKS may be ahead of Boris, but the labour Party are still trailing the Conservatives by 43%.
It's not your house, gully. It's where you're kept.
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Lol Danny not 43% I think :-)
Oops sorry ich, should be 4%.
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13.24, What on earth are you mumbling on about S/C , has my news affected you

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