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How Many Hong Kongers Will Take Up The Offer?

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ToraToraTora | 13:33 Wed 01st Jul 2020 | News
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TTT give yourself BA for 19.47. Bang on Togo. They would/will be an asset.
19:03 Wed 01st Jul 2020

I read the earlier thread you did on this and couldn't frame a reply as I am not well versed on the situation.

I doubt anything like the 3 Million will come but I am glad the offer has been made open to them.
Quite a few I would think following the latest Chinese law just passed.
There has already been at least one arrest.
they were out on the streets again
and I thought - god these people are brave
the chinee have an extensive collection of that great British invention - the concentration camp - where they are currently re-educating Uighurs - who are not chinese(*) and are muslim - but the chinese count them amongst the liberated nations - lucky things !

(*) the thing to be is Han and otherwise you are pretty much well crap

[Han Chinese (also called Han; simplified Chinese: 汉族; traditional Chinese: 漢族; pinyin: Hàn zú) is an ethnic group within East Asian people. 92% of the Chinese population and more than 97% of the Taiwanese population are Han. Out of the entire human population in the world, 19% are Han Chinese.]
I think 92 is percentage grab - at least 25m Uighurs
I definitely hope not all 3m come!!
3m is a foo-number innit?

like the free maff estimation that Adolf did in the Rivers of Blood speech 1968 - sorry Enoch - - my bad.

[he projected the immigrant population over 30 y and left the population of england unmoved]
It is an awful situation, but where are we going to find jobs And housing for all these people?
Wow just imagine a Chinese Takeaway on every
I thought about that too riptide, there arent enough houses and jobs for the people in this country now nevermind what is going to happen in the future due to covid and will we have to allow them access to the welfare state. Im not sure how many will come but i can see it causing problems between us and china in the future as far as any trade deals will go.
What does 'foo' mean?

doubt if thousands come ,but one thing the orientals never cause any bother in the uk demanding this that and the other
They are highly educated in HK so I expect in the main they will look after themselves here. I've checked on my friends there today and they are OK thank goodness.
Agree Derek, they are not known to be spongers.
We left the E/U to keep the immigrants out,and don't tell me that was not the reason because it was, and Now Boris is welcoming 3 MILLION from Hong Kong.
Crazy Man.
//They are highly educated in HK so I expect in the main they will look after themselves here. //

Good grief there are hundreds of thousands of highly educated people in the Uk who will be struggling to keep or find jobs due to covid-19. The last thing we need right now is 3 million immigrants!
It will take the UK population up to 69.65 million if they all came, It would be a laugh if they all voted Labour.
well they would all vote Conservative wouldn't they cos those idiots will let them in.
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gully: "We left the E/U to keep the immigrants out" - care to expand on that point? what is your basis for believing that?
Boris hasn't said 3m can come and I doubt they'd all want to come anyway. Let's just wait and see.
Who they would vote for is neither here nor there as far as I am concerned. That's it I've said my bit.

But then I knew that already [see avatar ;) ]
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Hong Kongers are are natural Tory voters, hard working industrious successful people. Perhaps we should send them an equal number of WSS in return.

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