Brief History.
1997: Labour's General Election manifesto promised free TV licenseS for the over 75s. Labour won the election.
1999: Labour fulfilled their pledge and the free Licence was introduced.
1999-2016: The Government funded the scheme from its Welfare budget.
2016: Theresa May ends the Government funding and places the burden on the BBC to fund it.
2019: BBC announces free licences will end.
It was an election bribe, Theresa May stopped Government funding for it. And the BBC get the backlash for ending it.
The BBC should not be spending the licence fee on handing out social benefits, it should be used for creating broadcast content.
The Broadcasting environment has significantly changed since the onset of the digit age. The Licence Fee model of financing is not really fit for purpose in the new streaming era.
Unfortunately the Government needs the BBC to distribute its propaganda to us and the rest of the world, so the Government will never end the licence fee (and end its meddling in the state broadcaster).
Which is a pity for the BBC which could be a world beater without the shackles of politicians holding it back.