As previously posted, all these vaccines may produce antibodies but it doesn’t mean they’ll stop the infection.
So some way to go, I think, before that becomes clear
research on those who are known to have recovered from covid suggests that the immune response only lasts for a few months. if the same effect manifests in vaccine volunteers, it means that in order to be effective, everyone would need vaccination possibly as frequently as twice a year. i'm not sure whether that level of intervention is really desirable.
Immune response however from infection is not the same as immune response from a vaccine. The latter would be expected to be much stronger. That’s the bit they aren’t sure about until it’s tested more widely
These are effective treatments, not vaccines.
They may minimise the effects, but they won’t stop you getting the virus, or stop you dying.
More smoke and Mirrors from HMG.
They aren’t promising immunity from Covid.
If you are injected with the Oxford treatment, it does not guarantee you won’t get Covid and die. It is just an effective treatment, not cure.
Good luck in thinking there is now a vaccine are we are all safe.
We are not.
We have a treatment that might stop a lot of deaths but it definitely isn’t a cure
OK, I stand corrected.
It is a vaccine, but it is not very effective.
It doesn’t stop you getting coronavirus. But it could/might help you not to die. But that is a bit speculative until the treatment goes nationwide.
It has to be tested widely first. That’s the thing.
And no coronavirus has ever had a successful vaccine.
Ironically, the virus needs to be out these being caught by people to make the testing effective.
gromit:"These are effective treatments, not vaccines. "
er the first sentence says: "A coronavirus vaccine developed by the University of Oxford appears safe and triggers an immune response. "
"More smoke and Mirrors from HMG. " - these are scientists from the University of Oxford gromit. I think gromit is so desperate for everything to fail so he can score political points.
no vaccine stops you getting the virus gromit, they equip the body to fight it off hopefully with enough vigour to render it ineffective. That's the T cells and anti bodies, they are defenders in waiting and any viruses through the front door don't get a chance to get established and are eradicated.