Other Sports13 mins ago
Absolutely Right Too
And Cressida Dick ( I'd change that name by deed poll) said the police who've " taken the knee" did it to appease a hostile crowd, she's not banning them doing it but said they should not, as far as our military go, they have been banned from doing it , a right decision in my opinion
https:/ /metro. co.uk/2 020/07/ 01/brit ish-mil itary-b anned-t aking-k nee-sup port-bl ack-liv es-matt er-1292 9414/
Taking the knee is a baffling thing. What do these people want? I can't believe the Premier League got involved with it. If black people have had any success it's right there. Black people have risen to the top in many walks of life and professions in this country. BLM gives me the impression that they want to be seen as victims and martyrs for some reason. Time to...
20:21 Thu 23rd Jul 2020
They are meant to be impartial, it's a sad day when our police felt they had to this just to appease an unruly mob
https:/ /www.in depende nt.co.u k/news/ uk/home -news/m et-poli ce-blm- take-kn ee-cres sida-di ck-a963 1811.ht ml
armed forces and police are different
armed forces damned well do as they are told
police wonder what their union / fed is gonna say
fr'instance - after the Liverpool mairder, the police started wearing a black union jack or a black on black one wivva thin blue line darn the middle
to commemorate
and the people in Manch were less than pleased to be told they were commemorating one dead policeman whilst they were clearing up the mess after 22 dead children were blown to pieces
also fiddling around wivva police uniform is against the law innit? Only a policeman can wear a police uniform which is strictly defined so if you sew a union flag onto it - - it converts it into a non-uniform.
or something - retro strangely silent - may comment
the police are different to the armed forces
some some statements here are so shocking I wd understand if it were zeroed
armed forces damned well do as they are told
police wonder what their union / fed is gonna say
fr'instance - after the Liverpool mairder, the police started wearing a black union jack or a black on black one wivva thin blue line darn the middle
to commemorate
and the people in Manch were less than pleased to be told they were commemorating one dead policeman whilst they were clearing up the mess after 22 dead children were blown to pieces
also fiddling around wivva police uniform is against the law innit? Only a policeman can wear a police uniform which is strictly defined so if you sew a union flag onto it - - it converts it into a non-uniform.
or something - retro strangely silent - may comment
the police are different to the armed forces
some some statements here are so shocking I wd understand if it were zeroed
erm police police by consent innit
I cant remember the army invading by consent
( normandy 1944 - no landings - debarquements - oops sozza forbidden word! - anyway NOT an invasion)
Japan invading China 1932 after the wun long - - - er wong chow mine event - no that was confected and the chinese certainly DIDNT want a japanese occupier ( bu hao xi xi)
Czechoslovakia by Brezhnev - er they were invited in but not by Dubcek (*)
just saying on a light morning
I cant remember the army invading by consent
( normandy 1944 - no landings - debarquements - oops sozza forbidden word! - anyway NOT an invasion)
Japan invading China 1932 after the wun long - - - er wong chow mine event - no that was confected and the chinese certainly DIDNT want a japanese occupier ( bu hao xi xi)
Czechoslovakia by Brezhnev - er they were invited in but not by Dubcek (*)
just saying on a light morning
PP I found an article about the black union jacks and yes adding anything to a police uniform renders the policeman "out of uniform" At the time of the black union jack incident (who ever thought that was a good idea?) an "urgent review" was requested but I can't see that it ever happened https:/ /www.st andard. co.uk/n ews/uk/ police- to-revi ew-unif orm-pol icy-aft er-offi cer-for ced-to- remove- union-j ack-bad ge-1004 9732.ht ml
// Cressida Dick said the police who've " taken the knee" did it to appease a hostile crowd //
She said no such thing. She said she thought it was dangerous to do take the knee, which is why she advises her Officers not to do it.
https:/ /www.lb c.co.uk /radio/ present ers/and rew-cas tle/tak e-the-k nee-bla ck-live s-matte r-prote sts-lon don/
She said no such thing. She said she thought it was dangerous to do take the knee, which is why she advises her Officers not to do it.